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It is caused by allergic reaction to endogenous bacterial protein such as tuberculosis. Chronic mild infections of tonsils and adenoids may also result in phlyctenular conjunctivitis. Histopathology the bleb is composed of compact mass of mononuclear cells, lymphocytes and polymorphs underneath the epithelium. Symptoms Discomfort, irritation, itching, reflex lacrimation are common complaints. One or more small, round, grey-yellow nodules measuring 1-3 mm in diameter, raised slightly above the surface is seen on the bulbar conjunctiva at or near the limbus. Phlyctenular kerato-conjunctivitis-When phlycten is situated at the limbus, it involves both the conjunctiva and the cornea. Diffuse infiltrative keratitis Phlyctenular conjunctivitis 88 Basic Ophthalmology a. Sacrofulous ulcer-It is a shallow marginal ulcer formed due to breakdown of small limbal phlycten. This ulcer usually remains superficial but leaves behind a band-shaped superficial opacity after healing. Miliary ulcer-Multiple small ulcers are scattered over a portion of or whole of the cornea. Diffuse infiltrative phlyctenular keratitis It may appear in the form of central infiltration of cornea with characteristic rich vascularization from the periphery all around the limbus. Fascicular corneal ulcer-A leash of blood vessel may follow the corneal ulcer at times. Stage of ulceration-The surface epithelium becomes necrotic and ulcers are formed on the conjunctiva. Antibiotic drops and ointment are applied if there is associated conjunctivitis due to secondary infection. Spring Catarrh (Vernal Conjunctivitis) It is a recurrent, bilateral/seasonal (conjunctivitis occurring with the onset of hot weather). It occurs due to hypersensitivity reaction to exogenous allergen such as pollens and dust. It usually occurs at the onset of hot weather (spring season) and subsides during winter. There are tuft of capillaries, dense fibrous tissue along with large number of eosinophils, plasma cells and histocytes. On everting the upper lid, palpebral conjunctiva shows multiple polygonal-shaped raised areas like cobblestones, due to diffuse papillary hypertrophy. The nodules are hard and consist of dense fibrous tissue (hypertrophied papillae). Multiple nodules or gelatinous thickening appears all around or in the upper part of the limbus. Keratopathy Buckley has classified the corneal involvement into 5 clinical stages: i. Plaque-There is bare area caused by macroerosion of epithelium which becomes coated with mucus. Patient is encouraged to tolerate mild discomfort and use less harmful topical therapy. Supratarsal injection of steroid is very effective in patients with severe disease not responding to conventional topical steroid therapy. Recently topical cyclosporine 1% has been found to be useful in steroid resistant cases. Beta-radiation is given in proliferative cases at monthly intervals during the months of February, March and April to prevent the onset of symptoms. Disodium cromoglycate 2% eyedrops are applied 3-4 times before the onset of the disease. Concretions [Lithiasis] Mild to moderate ­ ++ Ropy white ­ + ­ ­ ­ Incidence It is common in the elderly persons. Pinguecula [Pinguis = Fat] It is a triangular yellow patch on conjunctiva near the limbus in the palpebral aperture. Etiology It commonly occurs in elderly persons exposed to strong sunlight, dust, wind, etc.

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A random sample of reports obtained from all over the world in the last decade yielded the following findings: 24% of the infections in 315 rural children and 18% in 351 urban children examined in Zimbabwe (Mason and Patterson, 1994), 21% in 110 preschool children in Peru (Rodrнguez and Calderуn, 1991), 16% in 1,800 children in Egypt (Khalil et al. The prevalence in rodents can also be high in certain places: in Santiago, Chile, it was found that 7. But the correlation between the rates of murine and human infection has not been proven. In the Republic of Korea, the parasite was found in 14 of 43 captured Rattus norvegicus (33%). During that same period, one case was found in Chile in more than 70,000 fecal examinations, but prevalences of 0. The parasitosis is asymptomatic in some cases, but in others it produces clinical signs. A study of 325 infected children in Mexico found that the most important and consistent symptoms in the children infected only by H. In cases of concomitant parasitism with Giardia intestinalis, one of the most common symptoms is diarrhea (Romero-Cabello et al. In 250 infected children in Cuba, the major symptoms were abdominal pain, diarrhea, and anorexia (Suбrez Hernбndez et al. Anxiety, restless sleep, and anal or nasal pruritus are frequently attributed to H. Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission: the most important risk factors found in infected children were contamination of the environment with human feces, lack of drinking water (Kaminsky, 1991), poor environmental hygiene, and the presence of another infected person in the home (Mason and Patterson, 1994). The infection is more common in children because of their deficient hygiene habits, particularly in overcrowded conditions, as in orphanages, boarding schools, and other schools. Autoinfection is believed to be common in man, although studies with rodents do not support this opinion (see Control). The role played by rodents in the epidemiology of the human parasitosis is not well known, but it is thought that, under natural conditions, they play a very limited role. While it has been shown experimentally that animal strains can infect man and vice versa, there is no correlation between the prevalence of human and murine infections in the same area; also, the higher risks of human infection point to infection acquired from another person (see above). Accidental ingestion of arthropods infected with cysticercoids (for example, cereal and flour beetles such as Tenebrio and Tribolium) is a possible, but probably very rare, mechanism of infection. Ingestion of infected arthropods is probably a more important mechanism among rodents than among human beings. Man is infected only accidentally by ingesting insects infected with the cysticercoid, particularly insects that contaminate precooked cereals. The parasitosis can become established in laboratory rodent colonies, which may create great difficulties in experimentation. Diagnosis: Infection is suspected on the basis of the symptomatology and the epidemiological circumstances. A single fecal examination is not conclusive and, in the event of a negative result, the examination should be repeated up to three times, with samples taken on alternate days. The space between the shell and the embryo is empty and resembles the white of a fried egg; the embryo resembles the yolk. Inasmuch as fecal examination is simple and unequivocally demonstrates the presence of the parasite, there has been no interest in developing immunological diagnostic tests. However, immunological diagnoses would be possible because the study of antigens of H. Mason and Patterson (1994) studied the epidemiological characteristics of groups of patients in urban and rural areas of Zimbabwe and found that, while all indicators suggested that the infection was intrafamiliar in urban patients, the same phenomenon was not present in rural patients. However, the periodic treatment of school children with effective anthelminthics has decreased the prevalence of other parasites, but has not definitively reduced the rates of infection with H. Under these circumstances, consistent hand washing before eating can be of great importance. While there is no information on the role of mechanical vectors in the dissemination of H. Protection of food and water for human consumption to prevent access by rodents is probably more important in the case of H.

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Adults in the human intestine may live for more than twenty years, producing several thousand eggs daily that pass out with the feces. If these are consumed by an intermediate host, they develop into larvae (cysticerci) which migrate to the muscles. Consumption of raw or inadequately cooked, infected beef or pork introduces the larvae into the human intestinal tract where they mature into adult worms. Infections may be asymptomatic or may generate non-specific complaints such as altered appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation. Some studies report that up to 40% of carriers of adult worms also have cysticercosis, indicating that fecal­oral transmission, either directly or via contaminated food or water, is common. Use of untreated urban sewage sludge on pastures may cause cysticercosis in cattle or hogs while untreated human wastes containing T. The most serious consequences occur when the larvae reach the brain, causing neurocysticercosis that often triggers headaches, seizures, and other neurological symptoms (93). This is the most common parasitic disease of the central nervous system and is a major concern in some areas of Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe (83;94;200;203; 205;223). Most cases are diagnosed in immigrants from endemic areas, and approximately 10­12% of emergency room visits for seizures in southern California and New Mexico were due to this disease. At present, human infections are most common in Finland, Scandinavia, Alaska, Canada, Japan, and Peru (61). Humans are one of the primary definitive hosts and the adult tapeworm may grow to a length of ten meters in the intestine. Fish that eat copepods become infected and then pass the parasites on to humans who eat raw fish. Some other species of Diphyllobothrium have been isolated from salmon in Japan and Alaska. Wolves, bears, and other fish-eating mammals and birds can also serve as definitive hosts for some species of Diphyllobothrium. Usually the presence of one worm causes no symptoms but many worms can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and anemia. Humans cannot serve as true intermediate hosts for this parasite (as is the case for the pork tapeworm). However, consumption of water containing newly hatched larvae or infected copepods can give rise to a condition called sparganosis. The ingested larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate to tissues just under the skin causing some discomfort before they die. The adult stage of this tapeworm lives in dogs, foxes and other canids and intermediate stages normally infect sheep, goats, pigs, horses, and cattle. Humans can also serve as an intermediate host if they ingest tapeworm eggs in contaminated water or on raw, contaminated vegetables. The larval tapeworms form fluid-filled cysts (called hydatid cysts) in the liver, lungs and other organs of intermediate hosts. This disease is endemic in some areas of north Africa, Asia, the Middle East (5;263), and some European Mediterranean countries (152;248) and occasional cases may be seen in the U. However, even though they are less common, some parasites can cause severe illness in elderly or immunocompromised individuals and others can have serious effects even in the immunocompetent. Other organisms considered in this review are uncommon in temperate climates and in areas with good sanitary facilities. However, there is the potential that some of them could be present on imported foods or in foods prepared by infected food handlers. With increasing international travel, there is also the possibility of exposure to these parasites in other countries. In addition, wild game can be an important source of both of these parasites and should be well cooked. It poses the most danger to humans when the eggs are ingested and the larvae travel to the brain causing neurocysticercosis. The issue here is not the proper cooking of pork but sanitation - proper disposal of human wastes, clean hands, and washing fresh fruits and vegetables that might have been contaminated with feces containing tapeworm eggs. Raw fish can contain Anisakis and some other less common parasites and, if it is to be eaten raw, should first be frozen to kill the parasites. There is a potential risk that raw shellfish will contain protozoan parasites, such as Cryptosporidium.

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Avoid becoming involved in verbal arguments that could escalate into physical fighting. Keep jewellery, cameras and other items of value out of sight and do not carry large sums of money on your person. Employ the services of a local guide/interpreter or local driver when travelling to remote areas. If stopped by armed robbers, make no attempt to resist and keep hands where the attackers can see them at all times. InfeCtIous dIseases of potentIal rIsk for travellers Chapter 5 Infectious diseases of potential risk for travellers Depending on the travel destination, travellers may be exposed to a number of infectious diseases; exposure depends on the presence of infectious agents in the area to be visited. The risk of becoming infected will vary according to the purpose of the trip and the itinerary within the area, the standards of accommodation, hygiene and sanitation, as well as the behaviour of the traveller. In some instances, disease can be prevented by vaccination, but there are some infectious diseases, including some of the most important and most dangerous, for which no vaccines exist. General precautions can greatly reduce the risk of exposure to infectious agents and should always be taken for visits to any destination where there is a significant risk of exposure, regardless of whether any vaccinations or medication have been administered. The risk of infection is reduced by taking hygienic precautions with all food, drink and drinking-water consumed when travelling and by avoiding direct contact with polluted recreational waters (Chapter 3). The risk of infection can be reduced by taking precautions to avoid insect bites and contact with other vectors in places 55 InternatIonal traVel anD HealtH 2012 where infection is likely to be present (Chapter 3). Examples of vector-borne diseases are malaria, yellow fever, dengue, Japanese encephalitis, chikungunya and tick-borne encephalitis. The risk of infection can be reduced by avoiding close contact with any animals ­ including wild, captive and domestic animals ­ in places where infection is likely to be present. Particular care should be taken to prevent children from approaching or touching animals. Examples of zoonoses are rabies, tularaemia, brucellosis, leptospirosis and certain viral haemorrhagic fevers. The risk of infection can be reduced by avoiding casual and unprotected sexual intercourse and by use of condoms. The risk of infection can be reduced by avoiding direct contact with blood and body fluids, by avoiding the use of potentially contaminated needles and syringes for injection or any other medical or cosmetic procedure that penetrates the skin (including acupuncture, piercing and tattooing), and by avoiding transfusion of unsafe blood (Chapter 8). InfeCtIous dIseases of potentIal rIsk for travellers with pneumonia or when health care workers undertake procedures such as tracheal suctioning. Droplet transmission occurs when larger particles (>5 µm) contact the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth or conjunctivae of a susceptible individual. Droplets are usually generated by the infected individual during coughing, sneezing or talking. The risk of infection can be reduced by protecting the skin from direct contact with soil in places where soil-transmitted infections are likely to be present. Certain intestinal parasitic infections, such as ascariasis and trichuriasis, are transmitted via soil, and infection may result from consumption of soil-contaminated vegetables. Information on malaria, one of the most important infectious disease threats for travellers, is provided in Chapter 7. The infectious diseases described in this chapter have been selected on the basis of the following criteria: - diseases that have a sufficiently high global or regional prevalence to constitute a significant risk for travellers; - diseases that are severe and life-threatening, even though the risk of exposure may be low for most travellers; - diseases for which the perceived risk may be much greater than the real risk, and which may therefore cause anxiety to travellers; - diseases that involve a public health risk due to transmission of infection to others by the infected traveller. Information about available vaccines and indications for their use by travellers is provided in Chapter 6. Advice concerning the diseases for which vaccination is routinely administered in childhood, i. Clinical manifestations of these diseases may appear long after the return from travel, so that the link with the travel destination where the infection was acquired may not be readily apparent. Transmission occurs via the faecal­oral route, either directly by person-toperson contact or indirectly by eating or drinking faecally contaminated food or water. The clinical spectrum ranges from asymptomatic infection, diarrhoea and dysentery to fulminant colitis and peritonitis as well as extraintestinal amoebiasis. Acute amoebiasis can present as diarrhoea or dysentery with frequent, small and often bloody stools. Chronic amoebia sis can present with gastrointestinal symptoms plus fatigue, weight loss and occasional fever. Extraintestinal amoebiasis can occur if the parasite spreads to other organs, most commonly the liver where it causes amoebic liver abscess. Amoebic liver abscess presents with fever and right upper quadrant abdominal pain.

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Middle aqueous layer-It is secreted by the lacrimal and accessory lacrimal glands. It supplies atmospheric oxygen to cornea, has antibacterial function and washes away debris. Deficiency of conjunctival mucus-It occurs due to the scarring of the conjunctiva resulting in the destruction of goblet cells which secret mucus as in. Irregular corneal surface-It results in poor wetting of cornea as in healed corneal ulcer. Insufficient resurfacing of the cornea-It occurs in lid paralysis (facial nerve palsy), proptosis and decreased blink rate in very sick and morbid patients. It is often associated with rheumatoid arthritis and presence of antinuclear antibody. Computers-Many studies have shown that computer screens kept at or above the level of the eyes enhance the evaporation of the tears. This is because the palpebral fissure is widened and blink rate is decreased while using computer. Contact lens-Use of contact lenses also contribute to the development of dry eyes due to following reasons, i. Soft contact lenses actively deplete the mucus layer to maintain their hydration level. Contact lenses also decrease the corneal sensation, a factor which may be necessary for the tear secretion. There may be excessive mucus secretion (white coloured) due to deficiency of aqueous layer. Staining with alcian blue shows the presence of particulate matter in the tear film due to excess mucus. If the wetting is less than 6 mm after 5 minutes, it is diagnostic of dry eye (normal range is 10-25 mm). The above procedure is repeated while stimulating the nasal mucosa with fumes of ammonia or a wisp of cotton. Basic secretion test-The purpose of this test is to measure the basal secretion of tears by eliminating reflex tearing. Procedure-Topical anesthetic is instilled into the conjunctival sac and a few minutes allowed to pass until reactive hyperaemia has subsided. The room is darkened and the procedure is the same as Schirmer test I and interpretation of the results is also similar. Less than 5 mm wetting of the filter paper confirms the diagnosis of hyposecretion of tears. The rapidity of appearance of dry spots on the cornea between blinks becomes an index of the adequacy of the mucin layer. Immediately scan the cornea with cobalt blue illumination of the slitlamp for the first sign of dry (fluorescein free) areas. If the tear film breaks in less than 10 seconds, it is diagnostic of mucus deficiency (normal range is 15-35 seconds). Tear substitutes-Essentially three types of tear substitutes are available as, i. Deworming should be done periodically in children as intestinal worms can cause vitamin A deficiency. Tarsorrhaphy (Lateral) is indicated in facial nerve palsy with exposure keratitis and corneal ulcer. Isobutyl-methyl-xanthine-This has also been shown to increase tear secretion in some studies. Acetyl cysteine-It may be used as a topical ocular solution 2-5% in artificial tears. Contact lenses-Bandage contact lenses provide prompt relief in cases of Filamentary keratitis. It includes mucous membrane grafting, conjunctival transplant, amniotic membrane transplant keratoprosthesis, correction of ectropion, entropion, trichiasis etc.


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Ifitisused for cooking it may be kept alight all year round ­ although cooking tends to be done outside in summer. Pansofrivetedcopperplates, a mortar and pestle and bakestones (for oatcakes) are hungonthewallorkeptina chest. Once your host has made you welcome he will offer youabenchbesidethefireso youmaywarmyourselfasthe family bustles about, preparing for the meal. The householder or his servant (mostyeomenhaveaservant or two) will set up the table board on a couple of trestles andarrangeitsfurnishingsof wooden bowls, ceramic jugs and drinking vessels. If he thinks highly of his social position, then he will have invested in a couple of silver spoons. A boy, carrying a ewer, ensures that everyone has the opportunity to wash their hands thoroughlybeforethemeal. After supper the householder will have his children sent to bed in the familybedchamberandspend the evening talking with you beside the fire. Even in this poor light you may find his wife darning or stitching clothes for the family, squinting at her needlework. Whenthetimecomestogoto bed, you and your servant willbeofferedamade-upbed in the bedchamber upstairs. This is a mattress, stuffed with straw or oats, placed on wooden planks and covered with linen sheets, woollen blankets and a pillow, together with a bedspread. Ifyoushouldneedtoanswer acallofnature,youwillhave togetup,feelyourwaytothe door, descend the ladder and gooutside:youwillnotfinda chamberpot. In winter it is quite likely that you will have to step over a puddle of water whichhascollectedintherut worn in the doorway. The dooritselfswivelsonastone at its base and is tied to the frameofthehouseatthetop; therefore it does not swing easily. The shutters are hingedwithpiecesofhideon theirupperedgeandpropped open at the bottom with a stick. The arrangement of the shuttersmeansthatthehouse is often dark, even in the daytime. Eating facilities might include a trestle table, an earthenware jug, wooden bowls, a bench and a stool. The sleeping area is tucked behind a wattle screen along one side of the room: a bed made of three planks, a mattress of dried heather or fern,asinglesheetandanold blanket on top. Other possessions might include a brass cooking pot, an old cauldron, a basket, and a tub outside for storing water broughtbackfromthewell. Bad years for wheat are 1315­17 (the Great Famine), 1321­3, 1331­2, 1350­2, 1363­4, 1367­8, 1369­71 and 1390­1. The undernourished children perish first, susceptible to diseases in their weakened state,butitisnotlongbefore the adults follow. Men and women will eat anything ­ herbs, grass, drawk and darnel (forms of weed), vetches,acornsandevenbark ­intheireffortstostayalive. This has no effect outside the major towns, for the rural peasantry cannot physically transport themselves to buy the corn. Even if they could make the journey they could not afford to pay the inflated pricesbeingcharged. When you find yourself in a castle or town, with overwhelming force beyond the gates, you may well have to decide between two terrible fates: surrender and death by hanging on the one hand, or resistance and the likelihood of a slow death through starvationontheother. Those who choose the latter may suffer the most unimaginable tortures from lack of food. At the outset of the siege, in September 1346, the French captain of the town expels most of the women, the children, the old, and the unfit, so there are only able- bodied men left. Whentheyfinallygivein(on 4August1347)itisbecause, asthecaptainstatesinaletter totheFrenchking,theyhave nothing left to eat but each other, and they would rather die on the battlefield than consume the flesh of their friendsandrelatives. Calaisisanextremecase, and this chapter is predominantly concerned with tastier things than rats, horses and dogs. Nevertheless, the extremes are worth bearing in mind as you peruse the metaphorical menus of medieval England.

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Any process involving the use of or direct contact with radium or radioactive substance or the use of or direct exposure to Roentgen rays (X-rays) or ionizing radiation. Any process involving the use of or direct contact with methyl chloride or its preparations or compounds. Any process involving direct exposure to carbon monoxide in buildings, sheds or enclosed places. Any process involving the use of or direct contact with sulphuric, hydrochloric or hydrofluoric acids or their fumes. Any process involving the use of or direct contact with petroleum or petroleum products and their fumes. Any process involving continuous friction, rubbing or vibration causing blisters or abrasions. Any process involving continuous rubbing, pressure or vibration of the parts affected. Any process involving the use of or direct contact with acids, alkalies, acids or oil, or with brick, cement, lime, concrete or mortar capable of causing dermatitis (venenata). Any and all employments enumerated in subdivision one of section three of this chapter. Definition of Occupational Disease An occupational disease is one which is "due to the nature of the employment and contracted therein. Thus compensation is restricted to disease resulting from the ordinary and generally recognized risks incident to a particular employment, and usually from working therein over a somewhat extended period. Such disease is not the equivalent of a disease resulting from the general risks and hazards common to every individual regardless of the employment in which he is engaged. There are two primary categories of injuries which tend to be brought as occupational disease claims. He or she is required to repair pipe systems which are often insulated with asbestos. Since asbestos exposure is an intrinsic risk of this employment, a claim for asbestosis properly falls within the definition of an occupational disease. Contrast this with an office worker who works in a building where renovations are being done and she is exposed to asbestos. This would not qualify as an occupational disease since, unlike a steamfitter, asbestos exposure is not an inherent aspect of their job function. Similarly, a staph infection might be considered an occupational disease for a hospital nurse who is in constant contact with bacteria while it would not be an occupational disease for an accountant who sits in his office all day. Therefore, for the accountant, as a matter of law, it cannot be considered an occupational disease. The other type of "exposure" claim which is often proffered is a flawed claim for an "occupational exposure. One relates to repetitive activity which is inherent in the very nature of the employment. For example, someone on an assembly line twisting widgets as they go by every 30 seconds. If that person alleges that she developed carpal tunnel syndrome (in the widget twisting hand) as the result of a repetitive twisting motion for 25 years, and had medical evidence to support her claim, that would be considered a compensable occupational disease claim. The repetitive twisting motion would not be an environmental aspect of her job, it would be the core purpose of her job and carpal tunnel syndrome would be a risk to which all other widget twisters would similarly be exposed. Contrast this with the claim of a word processor who alleges that she developed an occupational injury to her neck, back and shoulder due to the type of chair she used and the physical layout of her work area. Furthermore, there is nothing inherent in the work of an attorney that causes back injury. Where the injury alleged is due to nothing more than the "ordinary wear and tear of life" it cannot qualify as an occupational disease. In other words, no occupational disability claim has been established where no date of disablement has been determined. This is because without finding a date of disablement, it is impossible to determine whether notice was timely or the claim is barred by the Statute of Limitations. It can be the date the claimant was diagnosed, the date the claimant was advised it was work related, the date the claimant began losing time from work due to the disease or the date the claimant stopped working due to the disease. Specifically, the statute states: "The right to claim compensation under this chapter shall be barred.

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Navigation is thus a mixture of local knowledge, awarenessofwhichtownlies inwhichcounty,determining the points of the compass by theappearanceofthesunand thestars,andfamiliaritywith the rivers, river crossings, hillsandmoors. Roads Inthemodernworldwehave different roads for different purposes ­ motorways for long-distancetravelandlanes foraccesstofields. There are the great highways of the Fosse Way, Ermine Street, Watling Street and Icknield Way ­ Roman roads which have remained in use throughout the Saxon and Norman centuries. At the other end of the scale are mereunmarkedrightsofway across open land: routes marked only by the occasional stone cross, with nothing otherwise to reveal theexistenceofaroadatall. The highway structure of the kingdom ­ that is to say the network of roads connecting the towns ­ is based on the network of Roman roads reaching westwards to Exeter and northwards to the border of Scotland. TheGoughMapshows aboutthreethousandmilesof main roads in use in 1360; closeexaminationrevealsthat about forty per cent of these are of Roman origin. In some places the stones are still in place, deeply rutted where cartwheels have worn away the surface. Where the stones of an old road are at angles anduneven,theymaypresent more of an obstacle than a surface,andinsuchcasesthe medieval road tends to run along smoother ground nearby. Plymouth, for instance, has no Roman foundation and thus is nowhere near a Roman road. Thesamegoesforeverytown in Cornwall ­ the furthest west the Romans built was Exeter. Onecansaythesame fortherichtownofCoventry, the university town of Oxford, and most of the towns established on new sites by Edward I. So, although the road system is based on that built by the Romans, do not imagine that this means there are smooth flagstone-covered straight roads emanating from each towninalldirections. The highway network is supplemented by the local networks: the streets and alleys of towns, the lanes between enclosed fields, and the wide paths and drove ways (for driving sheep) across the open fields and common land. Some of these will be along old Roman roads but most will be medieval constructions­ifthereisany construction to speak of. A numberofoldlychwaysand packhorse routes are merely tracks and paths across high moorland. True,hedoesnot travel around the whole kingdom; no fourteenthcentury reigning king visits Cornwall or Devon, for example. In January 1300 the sixty-yearold Edward I and his whole courtareabletotrotalongat a regular nineteen miles per day, even though there are only nine hours of daylight and at least two of those hours are spent eating. Constantly you will hear in manorial courts how so-andsohaslettheroadoutsidehis house become impassable, blocking it with timber, broken carts and rubbish. Sometimes too you will find thattheoffendingblockageis the overflow of a latrine pit after heavy rain, which has left faeces, sticks and farmyard debris all over the road. When hillside paths collapse, the packhorse drivers and other travellers simplyfindawayaroundthe treacherous part and make a new path. The most treacherous roads are the lanes and highways connecting manors and small towns. Sometimes the local residents see the opportunity to get some clay cheaply by digging it out of the road. Inbadweatherit will look as if you are heading into a series of flooded stretches of road; there is nothing to warn you that the water is between eightandtwelvefeetdeep. Almost always, when a modern road meets a river, there is a bridge to help us across. Riding through medieval England you will soon realise that good stone bridges are relatively scarce. If you are riding along a highway between two prosperous and reasonably close market towns, or a highway connecting a county town with London, the chancesarethatyouwillhave a pleasant jaunt over a smoothly paved stone structurewithsharplypointed arches and fine triangular cutwatersprojectingoneither side. However, if you are travelling off the highway, mostofthetimeyouwillfind your trackway simply disappears into the mud and flow of the river. Occasionally pedestrians might benefit from stepping stones,oraclapperbridge(in the West Country) but more often than not you will get wet.

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Occasionally the parasite is recovered from other organs such as the skin, kidneys, liver, or pancreas. Acanthamoeba often infects the ocular cornea, causing keratitis, uveitis, and chronic corneal ulcers, which can lead to blindness, especially in persons who wear contact lenses. Both Acanthamoeba and Naegleria are capable of ingesting microorganisms in their environment such as Legionella and acting as vectors of the respective infections (Tyndall and Domingue, 1982). Less information is available about Balamuthia, which was not identified until 1993. Although its mechanism of penetrating the host is still unknown, it can produce a subacute or chronic illness similar to that associated with Acanthamoeba (Denney et al. The Disease in Animals: Very little information is available about the disease in animals, but the cases reported so far have resembled the disease in humans (Simpson et al. Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission: the source of Naegleria and Acanthamoeba infections appears to be contaminated water and soil. The main source of Naegleria infection is poorly maintained swimming pools, lakes, etc. The ameba enters the nasal passages of swimmers, especially in summer or when the water has been artificially heated. The flagellate trophozoite forms probably play the most important role in infection, since they are more mobile and appear to predominate in warm water. The cysts are capable of overwintering, and it is believed that the arrival of warm summer weather causes them to break open and assume the form of flagellate trophozoites. Contaminated water is also the source of infection caused by Acanthamoeba, and probably by Balamuthia as well. However, the fact that some patients have had no history of contact with suspicious water would indicate that the infection can also be acquired from contaminated soil through breaks in the skin, by the inhalation of dust containing parasite cysts, or by the inhalation of aerosols containing cysts or trophozoites. An important source of the ocular infection is the use of contact lenses that have been poorly disinfected or kept in contaminated cases. Acanthamoeba is more resistant to environmental agents than Naegleria, as evidenced by the fact that it can tolerate conventional chlorination. It has been determined that 82% of all samples of cysts survive 24 years in water at 4°C, and in vitro cultures have been known to retain their virulence for mice as long as eight years. Diagnosis: Diseases caused by free-living amebae cannot be differentiated from other etiologies on the basis of clinical manifestations alone. Under the microscope it is difficult, though possible, to identify the parasites in tissue on the basis of their morphology; however, at low levels of magnification they can be easily mistaken for macrophages, leukocytes, or Entamoeba histolytica. In lesions caused by Naegleria, the only forms present are ameboid trophozoites, which are often perivascular, and polymorphonuclear cells are abundant in the reaction. On the other hand, in lesions produced by Acanthamoeba and Balamuthia there are both trophozoites and cysts, vasculitis is present, and the reaction is characterized by an abundance of mononuclear cells, either with or without multinucleate cells (Anzil et al. The wall of Acanthamoeba cysts found in tissue turns red with periodic acid-Schiff stain and black when methenamine silver is used. Naegleria grows on non-nutrient agar cultures in the presence of Escherichia coli and in sodium chloride at less than 0. Because Naegleria trophozoites are destroyed at cold temperatures, the samples should never be refrigerated. Although the trophozoite is characterized by its branching, the cysts are very similar to those of Acanthamoeba; only the occasional presence of binucleate Balamuthia cysts makes it possible to use conventional microscopy to differentiate Balamuthia from Acanthamoeba. Balamuthia does not grow well on agar in the presence of bacteria, but it does proliferate in mammal tissue cultures. Recently, there have been encouraging results with the use of molecular biology techniques to identify and separate species. Control: Infections caused by free-living amebae are not sufficiently common to justify general control measures. Education of the public regarding appropriate swimming-pool maintenance and the importance of not swimming in suspicious water should reduce the risk of infection.

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Among the countries of southern and eastern Asia, only the subcontinent (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) had until recently not been invaded by P. Discovery of Pomacea in Pakistan However, a species of Pomacea was discovered in Pakistan in 2009 and identified as P. It is now known that this identification was incorrect due to unavailability of detailed taxonomic information at that time, and the species is in fact P. The present identification is based on the distinguishing characters described by Hayes et al. These characters include the large size and reddish colour inside the aperture. The salt water was drained out and an embankment was constructed around the lake, which was fed by fresh water through a canal. As a result, Haleji Lake became one of the major sources of water for the increasing population of Karachi as well as an exquisite refuge for waterfowl. It is a Ramsar site and hunting, fishing and recreational activities are prohibited. Sindh Province, Pakistan, fish trader in the area and were raised along with showing the location of Haleji Lake. However, some snails were taken by an unknown person and introduced to the lake, with the fallacious idea that they would produce pearls. The impact of the snails on the lake ecosystem and on local fishers has not yet been studied. In younger animals the bands were wider than in older ones relative to shell size. In laboratory aquaria, the snails were generally fed in the morning; as soon as food was provided they started to move towards it and began to feed. The snails inhaled air with the siphon when grazing on the surface (surface film feeding; Saveanu & Martнn, 2013). When at rest the snails were either settled on the aquarium bottom or sometimes they floated at the surface. Copulation generally began in the morning and lasted more than 2 h, sometimes much longer. Eggs were laid mostly at night but sometimes during the day or evening, with egg-laying taking about 3-4 h to complete. The female uses her foot to make a canal or groove in which the eggs are transferred by muscular movement. Ecological role, use and significance of invasion In general, apple snails are herbivores with a wide range of food plants. However, they will also eat eggs and juveniles of other snails, other invertebrates, and decomposing organic matter, including carrion (Hayes et al. They are preyed upon by many other animals, including ants, dragonfly larvae, other insects, spiders, various birds, numerous fish and rats (Yusa, 2006). Some of these animals, such as carp or ducks, are intentionally introduced to control the snails (Joshi & Sebastian, 2006) as few natural predators may be present in the non-native range of the snails. Apple snails are eaten by people and animals, and used in aquariums, but not to the beneficial extent intended. In Pakistan, these snails could be used as raw food material for poultry and fish feed. They could perhaps also be developed as bio-indicators of water pollution from pesticides and trace metals (Hayes et al. It and other apple snail species are vectors of disease-causing parasites such as the rat lungworm, Angiostrongylus cantonensis, which causes the sometimes fatal eosinophilic meningitis (or meningoencephalitis) in humans (Hayes et al. It may also contribute to skin irritations by acting as an intermediate host of trematodes and it may also act as a host of the trematodes causing human echinostomiasis (Hayes et al. In Pakistan no study on human health threats from Pomacea maculata has been undertaken. This list was created prior to the full clarification of the distinction in Asia of P. Both species should be considered highest priority based on their wide distribution in many countries and their potential to destroy crops and harm people.


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