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Andrei Iancu, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Appellants seeking an oral hearing should submit with the request for oral hearing any preferences as to the time, date, or location of the hearing. Because an appellant seeks a faster decision and hearing room availability is limited, an appellant in an ex parte appeal accorded fast-track status may not seek to relocate (to a different office) the hearing after receiving a Notice of Hearing. An appellant may also waive the hearing and continue under the Fast-Track Appeals Pilot Program for consideration and decision on the briefs. An appellant may not reschedule the date or time of a hearing and remain in the Fast-Track Appeals Pilot Program. The Committee is proposing to delete products on the Procurement List furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities. Its purpose is to provide interested persons an opportunity to submit comments on the proposed actions. The general policy for comments and other submissions from members of the public is to make these submissions available for public viewing on the internet at Questions and comments concerning the Section 408 permissions should be directed to Mr. Based on the potential impacts, both individually and cumulatively, Federal authorization for the proposed Action would constitute a ``major federal action'. The Corps requires compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and other aquatic resources. The proposed Action is needed to serve as a long-term, resilient, sustainable strategy to reduce land loss rates and sustain and restore wetlands altered by natural and manmade disturbances in the Breton Sound Basin. A reasonable range of alternatives will be determined and significant issues related to the proposed Action will be identified during agency and public scoping. Under Section 10/Section 404, the District Engineer issues permits for the discharge of dredged and/or fill material into the waters of the U. Under Section 408, the Corps of Engineers reviews requests to use, occupy, alter or modify existing Corps of Engineers projects. The decision whether to grant a Section 408 permission for such use, occupation or alteration is based on whether the proposed Action would be injurious to the public interest and whether it would impair the usefulness of affected Corps of Engineers projects. Project milestones established via a Coordinated Project Plan will be maintained and updated quarterly on the Federal Permitting Dashboard. Each of the three sediment diversion alternatives will be evaluated with two base flow alternatives, 2,500 cfs and 5,000 cfs. The scoping, public involvement, and interagency coordination processes will help identify and define the range of potential significant issues that will be considered. The Board will also elect a new member to the Executive Board Committee and consider amendments to the Bylaws. The third public hearing on May 20, 2020 included discussions with voting system manufacturers and voting system testing labs. The Federal Election Commission published the first two sets of federal standards in 1990 and 2002. The proposed Action is being coordinated with a number of federal, state, regional, and local agencies. The following is a list of off-therecord communications recently received by the Secretary of the Commission. Commenters can submit brief comments up to 6,000 characters, without prior registration, using the eComment system at All filings with the Commission must bear the appropriate heading: Comments on Pre-Application Document, Study Requests, Comments on Scoping Document 1, Request for Cooperating Agency Status, or Communications to and from Commission Staff. Any individual or entity interested in submitting scoping comments must do so by the date specified in item o. We may conduct the site visit, if needed, later in the process, such as in conjunction with the study plan meeting required by section 5. Type of Filing: Notice of Intent to File License Application for a New License and Commencing Pre-filing Process. Location: On the Skagit River, in Whatcom, Snohomish, and Skagit Counties, Washington. Cooperating agencies: Federal, state, local, and tribal agencies with jurisdiction and/or special expertise with respect to environmental issues that wish to cooperate in the preparation of the environmental document should follow the instructions for filing such requests described in item o below.

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Many participants (36 percent) found that they felt supported by their doubled-up situation, receiving extra help with their children or to get back on their feet. Instrumental support surrounding childcare was described frequently, as in these three situations. Yes, if I need [my mother] to watch [my child], if I am going out to look for a job, I think that she has pretty much been there 100 percent. A few participants found that their relationships with those in their doubled-up situations were positive. One participant said that the best part about living with her mother was that they got along. Overall, however, only 11 percent of respondents reported positive interpersonal interactions across the different types of hosts. One parent described the tension that was created by living with her mother as she tried to take care of her own family. These two respondents moved out of their situations due to the conflict doubling up created with their hosts. Me and this female just bumped heads and I rather keep my friendship than lose it. Although rare, experiences of feeling taken advantage of or used were expressed during interviews. One person left a doubled-up situation with an acquaintance to move in with another friend after feeling she had been unfairly treated. The respondent said she thought the money she had been giving the acquaintance was helping with bills but later found out the acquaintance had not been using the money properly. In addition, the acquaintance allowed another Cityscape 343 Bush and Shinn individual to move in who did not contribute monetarily to the household, which put extra financial and emotional strain on the respondent. Some respondents told stories that included both positive and negative elements, which we classified as mixed interpersonal. One respondent noted that although she and her mother did not get along, her daughter loved living with her mother. The idea of being surrounded by family emerged several times throughout interviews, often as a benefit amidst other negative aspects of a situation. One parent found benefit in raising her child in an environment surrounded by family. Similarly, although one respondent did not have a positive relationship with her mother, when asked the best part about living with her, she responded- Being with family. Another mother spoke positively about her doubled-up situation living with a friend due to their close relationship. I consider [my friend] and her husband and kids my family because they treated me and my family like family treats family. Some parents found that the environments of their doubled-up situations, considering factors like the neighborhood, noise level, and number of people in the house, were positive or benefited them and their families. One mother was uncomfortable with the number of people crowding and touching her baby. Another mother felt the drinking and drug habits of her aunt were negatively influencing her children. Rowdy lifestyles of some of the people respondents lived with were also mentioned as negative aspects of their doubling up experiences. Another parent felt the neighborhood in which she lived with her mother was unsafe for her child to play, negatively affecting his social life. Respondents also mentioned that the physical space of their living situations- such as size of the unit, number of bedrooms, or their sleeping arrangements-affected their overall experiences. Of the 20 respondents who discussed the number of rooms in their doubled-up situations, 15 shared their bedroom or living space with their children. One respondent mentioned that her daughter enjoyed their doubled-up arrangement because she had access to a bathtub, which she did not have in shelter. Other than the physical pain her husband experienced, the respondent also felt a sense of guilt about their living arrangement as a parent. Overall, about as many people reported feeling like they had adequate privacy in their doubled-up situation as those who said they did not. However, lack of privacy or inability to be alone sometimes led to tension and conflict.

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However, such efforts need to be expanded and better integrated with wider development challenges. The Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-Sharing of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture could be a model for an agreement on access to climate-friendly technologies (Halewood and Nnadozie, 2008). Technology transfer and the climate challenge 135 to basic science and technology "to ensure widespread access to essential scientific results and to enhance the transfer of basic technological information to the developing world at reasonable cost". As a World Trade Organization agreement, this instrument could take advantage of the dispute settlement mechanisms and other institutional structures. For one thing, drawing an acceptable line between "basic" and "applied" research would be a challenge. So as to favour climate-friendly technologies, the notion of what is "basic" could be construed more broadly in the context of global public goods (Barton and Maskus, 2006). In borderline cases, guidelines concerning which research results were confidential and which could be made public would need to be established. Dedicated funding mechanisms Governments can subsidize technology development and transfer, either individually or in concert. Subsidies, tax breaks and other fiscal incentives of individual countries constitute the most straightforward method of funding. Moreover, such expenditures are exploitable by "free riders" on the global level (Barton and Maskus, 2006). A coordinated international funding mechanism would help solve the freerider problem. A technology prize system could circumvent intellectual property rights-related problems. Within such a system, the performance characteristics of a desired technology would be defined, a contest would be announced for its development, and a prize would be awarded to the successful innovator in exchange for the intellectual property rights. Prizes help to both reduce wasteful spending on marketing and lower incentives for anti-competitive behaviour (Stiglitz, 2008). Prizes, like advance purchase funds/agreements, work best with a specific, clearly-defined objective (such as a vaccine for a specific disease). Governments can subsidize technology development and transfer, either individually or in concert A coordinated international funding mechanism would help solve the free-rider problem Technology development and transfer mechanisms At the international level, such a mechanism could be established under the auspices of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, supported by a secretariat and various expert panels set up to examine the various dimensions of the technology challenge in developing countries and, where appropriate, to provide technical assistance on the range of technology options available for mitigating and adapting to climate change. This model has been successfully employed within the institutional structure of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and could be adapted to the climate change context. At regional and national levels, centres dedicated to low-emissions technology innovation and diffusion could be created and linked to and through the international At the international level, a technology transfer mechanism could be established under the auspices of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 136 World Economic and Social Survey 2009 mechanism. They would have an important role to play in making technologies accessible and affordable in developing countries. At least in the initial stages, these centres are likely to be publicly funded, though the precise mix of donor, public and private funding would vary across countries and over time. What particular mixture of basic research, field trials, business incubator services, venture capital funding, technical advice and support, and policy and market analysis is adopted will be very much contingent on local conditions and challenges. Hosting such firms has been seen as one way for developing countries to close the technological gap between them and more advanced countries. The expectation was that this would help break not only the technological constraint but also the foreign-exchange constraint on growth. How large are the technology spillovers and do they, as Hirschman (1971) asked almost 40 years ago, act as "a spur to the expansion of missing local inputs" or do they actually "harm the quality of local factors of production"? Answering these questions in greater detail would require a long detour extending beyond the remit of this Survey. Second, even when it does materialize, active policies are needed to ensure that there are valuable spillovers into the local economy. Strong intellectual property right protection is not necessary for extensive foreign investment to occur, as the case of China clearly demonstrates. Todo and Miyamoto used industry panel data from Indonesia to examine knowledge spillovers between subsidiaries of Japanese multinational corporations and Indonesian firms. Miyamoto (2008) found a significant positive relationship in Indonesia between the training investments of local firms and the extent of knowledge spillovers from foreign ones. The transportation sector is part of an interconnected bloc of related sectors that are expected to lead China to the next stage of industrial development.

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Chapter 2 25 the shortcoming with this example is clear, and rests in the question of political feasibility and acceptability, and what circumstances would be necessary to dictate and permit the use of Massive Bombardment. However, as with Overwhelming Force, this response is not time-sensitive and would require massive application of force for some duration as well as political support. In real Blitzkreig, Shock and Awe were not achieved through the massive application of firepower across a broad front nor through the delivery of massive levels of force. Instead, the intent was to apply precise, surgical amounts of tightly focused force to achieve maximum leverage but with total economies of scale. To the degree that this example of achieving Shock and Awe is directed against military targets, it requires skill if not brilliance in execution, or nearly total incompetence in the adversary. The adversary, finding front lines broken and the rear vulnerable, panics, surrenders, or both. The use of Special Operations forces in significant numbers is an adjunct to imposing this level of Shock and Awe. The lesson for future adversaries about the Blitzkreig example and the United States is that they will face in us an opponent able to employ technically superior forces with brilliance, speed, and vast leverage in achieving Shock and Awe through the precise application of force. It must also be noted that there are certainly situations such as guerilla war where this or most means of employing force to obtain Shock and Awe may simply prove inapplicable. For example, the German Blitzkreig would have performed with the greatest difficulty in the Vietnam war, where enemy forces had relatively few lines to be penetrated or selectively savaged by this type of warfare. Is there a flexible enough infrastructure to ensure training to that standard, and can the supporting industrial base continue to produce at Chapter 2 27 acceptable costs the systems to maintain this operational and technical superiority? Rapid Dominance requires a positive answer to these questions, at least theoretically. The "Sun Tzu" example is based on selective, instant decapitation of military or societal targets to achieve Shock and Awe. This discrete or precise nature of applying force differentiates this from Hiroshima and Massive Destruction examples. When the answer was yes, the king challenged Sun Tzu to turn the royal concubines into a marching troop. The concubines merely laughed at Sun Tzu until he had the head cut off the head concubine. From that point on, so the story goes, the ladies learned to march with the precision of a drill team. The objectives of this example are to achieve Shock and Awe and hence compliance or capitulation through very selective, utterly brutal and ruthless, and rapid application of force to intimidate. The fundamental values or lives are the principal targets and the aim is to convince the majority that resistance is futile by targeting and harming the few. In a sense, Sun Tzu attempts to achieve Hiroshima levels of Shock and Awe but through far more selective and informed targeting. In this subset, the attempt is to deceive the enemy into what we wish the enemy to perceive and thereby trick, cajole, induce, or force the adversary. The thrust or target is the perception, understanding, and knowledge of the adversary. However, as we will see, the deception model may have new foundations in the technological innovations that are occurring and in our ability to control the environment. The shortcomings with Sun Tzu are similar to those of the Massive Destruction and the Blitzkreig examples. It is questionable that a decision to employ American force this ruthlessly in quasi- or real assassination will ever be made by the U. The image here is the hostage rescue team employing stun grenades to incapacitate an adversary, but on a far larger scale. The aim in this example of achieving Shock and Awe is to produce so much light and sound or the converse, to deprive the adversary of all senses, Chapter 2 29 and therefore to disable and to disarm.

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Cityscape 125 Gough and Reece Exhibit 7 Respondent Interest in Assisting With Plan Implementation 4. One respondent captured some of these common sentiments, saying "planning is only useful if it can be implemented. Based on the data analysis considered in this article, for at least for four grant-recipient regions, this federal experiment in incentivizing sustainable regional planning across the United States was largely successful. However, this analysis presents an opportunity to discuss areas in which the federal program could improve in terms of its structure and potential for implementation. However, without additional funding to support staff time, especially for partner 126 Planning Livable Communities the Impact of the Sustainable Communities Initiative on Engagement and Collaboration in Planning: Experiences From Four U. Moreover, without a common purpose toward plan implementation, these new relationships, which are not yet institutionalized, are not likely to continue. Importantly, implementation of the resulting regional plan will demand continued collaboration between local jurisdictions; implementation depends on the political will of localities to adopt land use policy changes that adhere to the regional plan. Due to the nature of local governance and ephemeral elected officials, the political will to implement a long-term regional sustainability plan is not guaranteed. Although elected officials may have originally committed to policies and strategies laid out in plans, the realities of local politics make it challenging to balance economic development and equity goals, especially with public pushback from developers. Retreating back to the silos and giving up on innovations for engagement will not serve changing communities. In reality, the complexity of governing and implementing this project may require ongoing internal and external governance mechanisms. Likewise, financial investment is essential for plan implementation, especially for smaller jurisdictions with limited staff and resources. To facilitate implementation of the regional plans, the federal government could consider aiding and incentivizing efforts by dedicating additional resources or further elevating the importance of these plans in other grant competitions it resources. A sustainable community and region broadly engages its diverse stakeholders and learns from the shared experiences and needs of its citizens. Sustainable communities also enable and maximize the utility of all their realized and potential assets through synergistic collaborations across jurisdictions and sectors. Appendix A the Sustainable Communities Initiative Survey Instrument is reproduced on the following pages. Cityscape 127 Gough and Reece Confidential Sustainable Communities Initiative Please complete the survey below. Influences of the process on relationships between localities and/or organizations There are no wrong answers and you should respond to survey questions based on your opinion or assessment. Your survey response will remain anonymous, so your answers will not be connected to your name or organization. Helped to introduce the interrelationships between economic, environmental and equity needs? Regions Confidential Page 4 of 5 What barriers, if any, challenged the engagement of underrepresented or disadvantaged populations? Focused new connections for your oganization between economic development and social equity? How willing would you be to help implement the plan that resulted from this process? Regions Acknowledgments the authors thank the representatives from the 2010 Sustainable Communities Initiative Regional Planning Grant recipients that participated directly in this research: Gulf Regional Planning Commission in the Gulf Coast of Mississippi; the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission in the Boston, Massachusetts region; the New River Valley Planning District Commission in southwestern Virginia; and the Puget Sound Regional Council in the Seattle-Tacoma region of Washington. The authors especially acknowledge the important efforts that these four regions made to encourage participation in the survey and for their willingness to share the challenges and accomplishments experienced as part of the Sustainable Communities Initiative. Gough is an associate professor in Urban and Regional Studies & Planning at the Virginia Commonwealth University, Wilder School of Government & Public Affairs. Jason Reece is an assistant professor in City & Regional Planning at the Ohio State University, Knowlton School of Architecture. Taking Sustainable Cities Seriously: Economic Development, the Environment and Quality of Life in American Cities. Local elected officials, planners, and policymakers have long recognized their interdependence and the need for a strategy to sustain the region. However, structural, political, and administrative fragmentation has challenged efforts to develop and implement such a strategy. With no entity having regional authority to implement plans at a regional scale, efforts had not progressed beyond talk. It collected land use, fiscal, transportation, and environmental data and public preferences.

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As a partner with other stakeholders and organizations, the County can help develop consensus, policy priorities, and focusedfocus resources-ffi::l:Cft to achieve collective impact across sectors and jurisdictions. The "Health in All Policies approach" can facilitate collaboration and reinforcingreinforce efforts among governmental agencies, community-based organizations, businesses and individuals. P can also be an effective strategy to address the multifaceted issues that affect health and equity. Integrate a "Health in All Policies" approach into all County government department and agency policies. Encourage and work with all local governments, special districts, and non-governmental organizations to adopt similar policies. Educate key County staff across departments on Health in All Policies approaches and engage them in understanding how their work may influence community health and on-going health challenges in Santa Clara County. The promotion ofpromoting health equity is a key strategy for addressing major population health issues based in socioeconomic inequalities. Despite overall high health rankings for Santa Clara County in recent years, due partly to the relatively prosperous and well-educated population, major disparities and inequities in health outcomes persist. Revised Public Review Draft determinants of health," these factors play as large or larger role in public health than medical care, and inequities that result in negative health outcomes for many in our community. Additional issues of health disparities and equity will be addressed within subsequent sections, specific to the subject matter in each section. Increasing inequality of income and wealth in the United States should be addressed not enly-for achieving a more egalitarian society in general, but also for the positive health impacts that can be achieved through greater economic security for all residents. FosterSupport a high quality, universal system of early childhood education, especially in low-income communities. Expand Promote expansion of academic and creative adult educationjob skills-based educational opportunities, particularly for older adults, non-English speakers, formerly incarcerated, and lower-income individuals. Expand childcare options, particularly for parents pursuing an education, and elder care services. Support expansion of affordable, and high quality childearechild care options for all children of parents pursuing education and/ or in the workforce. It causes unhealthful stress and it often requires households to make critical choices and trade-offs between fundamental needs, such as food, shelter, medications, and health care. It should also be noted that without concerted efforts to fund affordable housing, improvements in economic status can easily be undermined by increasing housing cost burdens. Economic improvement also requires support from and partnerships with businesses that can provide good working conditions, pay, and benefits. Reducing income inequality and its effeetsthrough better wages, benefits, and bolstering middle-income jobs further reduces health inequities. CultivatePromote educational efforts to provide greater financial literacy in youth and adults in order to project life needs, reduce debt, and generate personal savings and vlealthinvestment. Encourage community-sponsored alternatives to predatory financial institutions such as community cash checking and non-profit credit unions. Support youth-employment and yo~, th serving businesses to better serve youth employment needs. Enhance andenhanced opportunities with pay for expanded youthfocused community service. Health inequity is related both to a history of overt discriminatory actions, as well as present-day practices and policies that perpetuate diminished opportunity for certain populations. Structural and creating structuralsystemic changes to ensureare necessary to overcome these forces and to improve opportunity, living wages, affordable housing, high quality education, for those who have experienced an undue burden of neglect and supportive social conditions in neighborhoods that nmv experience disadvantages. MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Socioeconomic Status and Health, 2008, vr. Promote public awareness of the persistence of various forms of racism and discrimination, =! Disseminate local, regional and national efforts to identify and disseminate policies and best practices that promote racial equity. Promote similar training and mvareness throughout local government in Santa Clara County. Strategy #3: Ensure equitable access to high quality physical and behavioral health coverage and carefor all residents. Access to comprehensive, quality health care coverage and services is critical for.

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Collaborate the activity supports cross-sector partnership building, cultivation of social capital, and collaborative problemsolving and innovation. Empower this activity builds the capacity of agents of change (individuals, organizations, and so on) to advance a common vision and a collective impact. Because regional planning involves multiple agencies and diverse stakeholders, our definition emphasized building social capital as a requirement for collaborative efforts. Instead, our definition of empower emphasizes building community capacity to advance collective vision for an equitable, sustainable region. This definition was consistent with the definition of empowerment given by Bergstrom et al. Raters went through multiple rounds of norming and quality control checks to ensure consistent classification. Interrater reliability was high for classifying inform and consult but decreased for involve, collaborate, and empower. Most regions went beyond traditional civic engagement activities and designed more comprehensive plans for civic engagement that integrated a range of activities to inform, consult, involve, collaborate, and empower. However, the range was significant in the sophistication of these strategies, both in the selection and design of individual tools and the art of assembling them into a holistic strategy for engagement. Retrospectively, surveys should have been a code for their own sake, as they are designed only for consulting. This code also came to be used for efforts to bring meetings to where people are, such as hosting a table at a popular event. Unidirectional information exchange does not imply that activities are necessarily less well designed. Innovative practices for informing and consulting mostly focused on expanding the total number and diversity of people involved in the process. For instance, many activities coded as Meetings with Existing Groups were designed to "meet people where they are. Many regions also effectively used various forms of media to reach underrepresented populations by providing translated materials and targeting culturally specific media outlets. A few regions developed informational videos and broadcasted them on mainstream media outlets. In the Sacramento region, public engagement began with focus groups that deliberately engaged a more diverse group of stakeholders than in previous regional transportation planning efforts and focused on issues of equity and inclusion. Focus groups sought input from marginalized communities such as low-income, senior, youth, disabled, and minority groups, and stakeholder groups representing diverse constituencies and interests in the region. Some innovative activities created opportunities for two-way or multidirectional communication. For instance, four regions held focus groups that functioned more like mini-workshops, designed to enable participants to learn and network with each other. Several regions included live keypad polling in their public meetings to enable greater involvement and more effective real-time deliberation. The Seven50 process included summits for the general public that included keynote speakers on critical regional issues, interactive workshops, and opportunities to participate in live keypad polls. Interestingly, the General Media category included a range of artistic practices, public art, and creative placemaking initiatives. In the region surrounding Greenfield, Massachusetts, the Franklin Regional Council of Governments commissioned a public art display as a capstone to the public participation efforts. The art display was unveiled in a ceremony at the Franklin County Transit Center, which included choreographed dance and music performed by youth. The council created large posters of the mosaic, which were attached to the sides of the Franklin Regional Transit Authority buses for several weeks during the public comment period for the draft of the Sustainable Franklin County Plan, in order to help publicize it and future open houses. Websites and Online Engagement Many of the regions made effective use of innovations in web-based technologies to inform, consult, involve, and even empower and collaborate with citizens and organizations from various sectors. This metacategory included the following web-based activity codes: "Scenario Games"; "Interactive Forums"; "Implementation Toolkits";10 "Social Media Toolkits";11 "Crowdsourced Inventories"; and "General Resources, Tools, Data, Research. Nearly all the Exhibit 4 Frequency and Function of Websites and Online Engagement Tools Many regions posted Implementation Toolkits on their websites. Most grantees appeared to have some type of social media presence, but this was underreported in the inventory because of a choice to create a category focused on social media toolkits-and not just "social media"-designed to make it easy and desirable for community members to share updates and invitations through social media.

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No signs of toxicity were observed through the dermal and inhalation routes in the available studies. Risk of concern is more likely from chronic (long-term) consumption of treated seed. Risks associated with pre-bloom applications are generally greater than those associated with post-bloom applications. The highest acute exceedances were from uses on citrus, pome fruit, ornamentals and turf. Like with the acute risk exceedances, the highest chronic risk exceedances noted were from uses on citrus, pome fruit, ornamentals and turf. Exceptions are mixing, loading and applying liquid and wettable powder formulations to the basal bark of landscaping, trees/shrubs/ bushes using backpacks (reduced risks may be found with double layer clothing and chemical resistant gloves) and manually-pressurized handwands. There are both acute and chronic risks of concern from consumption of acetamiprid-treated seeds, though not from foliar applications of acetamiprid. There are both acute and chronic risks of concerns to birds from both foliar applications and seed treatments with acetamiprid. Acetamiprid is classified as moderately toxic to adult bees and highly toxic to larvae on an acute exposure basis. There are acute and chronic risks of concern to adults and larvae from registered uses of acetamiprid. Though there are risks of concern to individual honey bees, which serve as a surrogate for non-Apis bees, colony-level studies show that these risks are not likely to translate into long-term adverse effects on the colony. Acetamiprid is very highly toxic to both freshwater and estuarine/marine invertebrates on an acute exposure basis. There are both acute and chronic risks of concern to both freshwater and estuarine/ marine invertebrates from registered uses of acetamiprid. In process: updated pollinator risk assessment and a proposed interim decision issued for public comment in early 2020. Continued evaluation of risks for aquatic insects, with report expected at the end of 2019. Except for seed treatment use on corn, no agricultural-use occupational handler scenarios result in risk estimates of concern. Two non-agricultural scenarios result in risk estimates of concern: for mixers/loaders/applicators of liquid formulations via mechanically pressurized handguns livestock housing other than poultry, and for an applicator treating commercial buildings using liquid cans. For some uses, mitigation measures are required to minimize exposure to bees, including changes to the use pattern and label improvements. When clothianidin is used in accordance with these new measures, the reduced environmental exposure is considered adequate and risks are acceptable. For other uses, risks to pollinators were not found to be acceptable; therefore, these uses are cancelled. Current research shows that these pesticides are detected frequently in waterbodies at levels that could be harmful to certain aquatic organisms. Studies involving less frequent application intervals or lower application rates were excluded from consideration in this document. A limited number of studies have also confirmed contamination in soils, again with examples where levels are very high compared with the highest levels found in European studies. Neonicotinoids have also been found in water, snails and sediment near agricutlural areas. Declines observed in other species include edible insects such as crickets, as well as insectivorous birds. Pollination of cocoa flowers by the natural pollinator (a midge) also has been affected and expensive manual alternatives had to be introduced.


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