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Within two months after renal transplantation pericarditis has been reported in 2. Pericarditis in renal failure Renal failure is a common cause of pericardial disease, producing large pericardial effusions in up to 20% of patients. The clinical features may include fever and pleuritic chest pain but many patients are asymptomatic. Anaemia, due to induced resistance to erythropoetin159 may worsen the clinical picture. Intrapericardial treatment with triamcinolone is highly efficient with low incidence of side effects. Treatment should focus on pericardial symptoms, management of the pericardial effusion, and the underlying systemic disease. The post-cardiac injury syndrome: postpericardiotomy syndrome Post-cardiac injury syndrome develops within days to months after cardiac, pericardial injury or both. Unlike post-myocardial infarction syndrome, post-cardiac injury syndrome acutely provokes a greater antiheart antibody response (antisarcolemmal and antifibrillary), probably related to more extensive release of antigenic material. Warfarin administration in patients with early postoperative pericardial effusion imposes the greatest risk, particularly in those who did not undergo pericardiocentesis and drainage of the effusion. Primary prevention of postperiocardiotomy syndrome using short-term perioperative steroid treatment or colchicine is under investigation. However, if the immediate surgery is not available or contraindicated pericardiocentesis and intrapericardial fibrin-glue instillation could be an alternative in subacute tamponade. Traumatic pericardial effusion and haemopericardium in aortic dissection Direct pericardial injury can be induced by accidents or iatrogenic wounds. Iatrogenic tamponade occurs most frequently in percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty, during or after transseptal puncture, particularly, if no biplane catheterisation laboratory is available and a small left atrium is present. Whereas the puncture of the interatrial septum is asymptomatic, the passage of the free wall induces chest-pain immediately. Transsection of the coronary artery and acute or subacute cardiac tamponade may occur during percutaneous coronary interventions. During right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy, due to the low stiffness of the myocardium, the catheter may pass the myocardium, particularly, when the bioptome has not been opened before reaching the endocardial border. It does not require transmural infarction176 and can also appear as an extension of epistenocardiac pericarditis. Frank cardiac perforations seem to be accompanied by sudden bradycardia and hypotension. A right bundle brand block instead of a usually induced left bundle branch block can be a first clue. The deceleration force can lead to myocardial contusion with intrapericardial haemorrhage, cardiac rupture, pericardial rupture, or herniation. Transesophageal echocardiography in the emergency room202 or immediate computed tomography should be performed. Pericardial laceration and partial extrusion of the heart into the mediastinum and pleural space may also occur after injury. Neoplastic pericarditis Primary tumours of the pericardium are 40 times less common than the metastatic ones. Effusions may be small or large with an imminent tamponade (frequent recurrences) or constriction. The onset of dyspnoea, cough, chest pain, tachycardia, jugular venous distension is observed when the volume of fluid exceeds 500 ml. Orthopnea, weakness, dysphagia, syncope, palpitations, pericardial friction rub, hiccups, distant heart sounds, pleural effusion, hepatomegaly, oliguria, and oedema can also be present.

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European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Barcelona, Spain, September 18-22, 2010. Azithromycin reduces bronchial hyperresponsiveness and neutrophilic airway inflammation in asthmatic children: a preliminary report. Allergy and asthma proceedings: the official journal of regional and state allergy societies, 2007; pp. Azithromycin or montelukast as inhaled corticosteroid-sparing agents in moderate-to-severe childhood asthma study. Controlled trial of natamycin in the treatment of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of bronchial thermoplasty in patients with moderate-to-severe persistent asthma. Persistence of effectiveness of bronchial thermoplasty in patients with severe asthma. Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology: official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology 2011: 107(1): 65-70. Safety and feasibility of bronchial thermoplasty in asthma patients with very severe fixed airflow obstruction: a case series. The Journal of asthma: official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma 2013: 50(2): 215-218. Periostin is a systemic biomarker of eosinophilic airway inflammation in asthmatic patients. Daclizumab improves asthma control in patients with moderate to severe persistent asthma: a randomized, controlled trial. While self-identification is voluntary, your cooperation in providing accurate information is critical to these efforts. Every precaution is taken to ensure that the information provided by each employee is kept in the strictest confidence. One method for determining agency progress in fulfilling these requirements is through the production of reports at certain intervals showing, for example, the number of employees with disabilities who are hired, promoted, trained, or reassigned over a given time period; the percentage of employees with disabilities in the work force and in various grades and occupations; etc. The disability data collected on employees will be used only in the production of reports such as those previously mentioned and not for any purpose that will affect them individually. The only exception to this rule is that the records may be used for selective placement purposes and selecting special populations for mailing of voluntary personnel research surveys. Agencies will request that these employees identify their disability status and, if they decline to do so, their correct disability code will be obtained from medical documentation used to support their appointment. Privacy Act Statement Collection of the requested information is authorized by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U. Readers may use this work as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. Requests to reuse or repurpose; adapt or modify; or post, display, or distribute this work may be sent to permissions@diabetes. The new journal is designed to promote better patient care by serving the expanded needs of all health professionals committed to the care of patients with diabetes. Rates: $75 in the United States, $95 in Canada and Mexico, and $125 for all other countries. Requests for permission to reuse content should be sent to Copyright Clearance Center at Requests for permission to translate should be sent to Permissions Editor, American Diabetes Association, at permissions@diabetes. To achieve these goals, the journal publishes original research on human studies in the following categories: Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition/ Psychosocial Research, Epidemiology/Health Services Research, Emerging Technologies and Therapeutics, Pathophysiology/Complications, and Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk. Topics covered are of interest to clinically oriented physicians, researchers, epidemiologists, psychologists, diabetes educators, and other health professionals. Improving Care and Promoting Health in Populations Diabetes and Population Health Tailoring Treatment for Social Context S98 9. Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment Pharmacologic Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes Surgical Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes Pharmacologic Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes S14 2.


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In croup, the most common in young kids, the airway narrows below the vocal cords. Influenza Vaccine, epiglottitis is essentially eliminated (though Group A can still cause it). Most deaths associated with pulmonary infections are related to nosocomial infections (acquired in the hospital), often in patients hospitalized for a less virulent pneumonia. While inhaled infections are the most classic form of pulmonary infection, hematogenous spread or contact with local mediastinal infections is also possible. Finally, pulmonary infections are typed based on the organism doing the infecting or, if no organism can be isolated, the clinical setting (which is likely to narrow down the organism doing the infecting). We begin with 4 types of Acute Pneumonia and then change over into Chronic Pneumonia before finishing with Lung Abcesses. Clinical Course o Abrupt Onset High Fever, shaking chills, cough productive of sputum o Can induce a fibrinosupparative pleuritis = pleuritic chest pain friction rub Bronchopneumonia. So o With antibiotics, the disease is well controlled, with only 10% of patients hospitalized for its air + stuff in the way pneumonia succumbing to the disease, and often fatalities are attributed to complications (empyema, pleuritis, septicemia) Morphology o Two distinct gross anatomic patterns that represent a possible continuum Bronchopneumonia = extremely old or extremely young Patchy consolidation of the lung, consolidating areas of acute supparative inflammation without resolution, often with fibrotic granulation tissue. Weakly AcidFast Filamentous Organism, seen on H&E Stain It the draining sinus tracts with sulfur granules really give this one away. Usually infects immunocompetent individuals Nocardia Filamentous Aerobic Organism that causes Subacute Suppuration with illdefined granulomas Weakly AcidFast, but is gram positive, but not seen on H&E Stain Usually infects immunocompromised individuals Aspergillus Grow as a mold in the host and in the environment (they are not dimorphic) Produces uniform, narrow, septate hyphae that classically branch at acute angles Two Forms of disease o Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis Colonization of mucous plugs in airways by noninvasive Aspergillus Seen in asthmatics with histologic changes of asthma + Aspergillus Sensitization to Aspergillus causes exacerbation of asthma (eosinophils and IgE) o Fungus Ball (Mycitoma) Colonizes a previously made cavity again without invasion Fruiting Bodies of Aspergillus are diagnostic for Aspergillus o Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillus Profoundly neutropenic patients (immunocompromised) get infected. Radiating pattern invading the lung parenchyma and loves to invade vessels Yellow infarct with rimmed hemorrhage, centered on an invaded vessel that leads to thrombosis = Targetoid Lesion Compare for Tutorial Zygomyces Broad "crinkling" hypi at right angles with rare septations. For chronic pneumonia, we investigate the dimorphic fungi ("mold in the cold, yeast in the beast") that affect specific regions of the United States and are known to cause pneumonia in normal, immunocompetent patients. This occurs in congestive heart failure (when the blood backs up), in chronic hypoxic conditions (causing constriction of pulmonary vasculature), in increased flow states (L R shunt) or recurrent obstruction to flow (thrombosis or emboli). It is not so important to know "Group 1 vs Group 2" only that there are multiple mechanisms for the development of Pulmonary Hypertension. Muscle weakness large muscles early in the morning Acanthosis Nigracans = darkened pigmentation localized to axilla, groin, and neck Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteoarthropy = Clubbing of digits 24 O w l C l u b R e v i e w S h e e t s Pathology Pulmonary Metastasis Loves to go to the kidney/adrenals and to the brain (areas of high blood flow) Can also go to bone and liver. These often cause an exudate that resolves Empyema is a purulent exudate resulting from bacterial or fungal infections Yellowgreen, local, creamy pus with lots of neutrophils. Resolution is rare; fibrous adhesions obliterate pleura or encroach on lungs Hemorrhagic Pleuritis is different from a hemothorax and must be closely Hyperlucency means lots of air. Hemothorax = blood in pleural space (ruptured Aorta, Penetrating trauma) without inflammatory cells. It is rapidly fatal when associated with aorta or trauma Pneumothorax = air in the pleural space from a ruptured bulla, penetrating trauma, or blown out lung (positive pressure ventilation). Spontaneous Idiopathic Pneumo = young adults (especially the tall thin ones) that rupture a bulla into the SubQ tissue. It often resolves (air resorbed) without complication, though dyspnea and SubQ crackles can be hear Tension Pneumo = Tissue acts as a valveflap, allowing air into the pleural space on inhalation, but not back out on exhalation. With each breath the Blood Air Interface Blood pneumothorax gets worse, trapping more air, crushing more lung. Eventually, Hemothorax with a blood interface on there is so much pressure that the great vessels are occluded leading to chest Xray hypotension and a mediastinal shift away from the injured lung. You have to know it, but there is an overwhelming amount of information you can do without. Ristic (Serbia and Montenegro), Raimund Erbel ller (Austria), Yehuda Adler (Israel), Witold Z. Becker (The Netherlands), Giacomo Chiaranda (Italy), Yonathan Hasin (Israel), Rolf Jenni (Switzerland), Werner Klein (Austria), Irene Lang (Austria), Thomas F. By means of links to web sites of National Societies several hundred guidelines are available. This profusion can put at stake the authority and validity of guidelines, which can only be guaranteed if they have been developed by an unquestionable decisionmaking process. In spite of the fact that standards for issuing good quality Guidelines and Expert Consensus Documents are well defined, recent surveys of Guidelines and Expert Consensus Documents published in peer-reviewed journals between 1985 and 1998 have shown that methodological standards were not complied within the vast majority of cases. It is therefore of great importance that guidelines and recommendations are presented in formats that are easily interpreted.

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Chronic: Infection, inappropriate pacing, pacemaker syndrome, system failure (leads, generator). Educate patient about pathophysiology of heart failure and reason for medications (improves outcomes and compliance). Routine Follow-up at least every 6 months Improved outcomes noted when followed by cardiologist, heart fail- ure specialist. Signs & Symptoms May be asymptomatic; symptoms usual when estimated glomerular filtration rate 25 mL/min/1. If still elevated, administer active vitamin D such as calcitriol or paricalcitriol. Treat hemoglobin <11 g/dl with subcutaneous erythropoietin or dar- bepoietin subcutaneously along with oral or intravenous iron therapy. Goals: urine albumin/creatinine ratio <300 mg/g, urine protein/creatinine <200 mg/g. More potent second-generation abl kinase inhibitors are actively being investigated in the clinic now. Timing of transplant, especially for young patients with matched related donors, remains controversial. Most experts suggest initial trial of imatinib, but move to transplant for patients with suboptimal response to imatinib (failure to achieve a complete hematologic response after 3 months, or failure to achieve any significant cytogenetic response after 6 months, or failure to achieve a major cytogenetic response after 1 year), or development of imatinib resistance. Can compromise the ability of a patient to be transplanted and therefore not used for primary therapy. Evidence for imatinib resistance or disease acceleration should prompt rapid intervention with increased dose of imatinib, second-generation abl kinase inhibitor, or transplantation for those who are candidates. It is unknown if such patients are "clinically cured," as follow-up times are still relatively short. Such patients may be salvaged with higher doses of imatinib, secondgeneration abl kinase inhibitors, use of the above-mentioned cytostatic or cytotoxic agents alone or in combination, or preferably stem cell transplant if the patient is still in chronic phase of disease. Prognosis is poor for patients who cannot be transplanted and who develop abl kinase inhibitor resistance. Patients who relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation can be salvaged by donor lymphocyte infusions. Vaccines and other forms of immunotherapy are under investigation and may prove useful. Endoscopy Pancreatic function tests differential diagnosis other common causes of abdominal pain such as biliary tract disease, peptic ulcer disease, and intestinal ischemia. Chronic pancreatitis is usually progressive and thus patients must be monitored for the development of malabsorption or diabetes. Depending on the expertise of the institution, treatment may incorporate surgical resection, external drainage, or internal drainage. Depending on the available expertise, treatment of pseudocyst can be performed by endoscopy, interventional radiology, or surgery. If non-enteric coated forms are used, they should be administered with bicarbonate or acid secretion should be inhibited. Chinese herbs) remedies, Balkan nephropathy Risk Factors for Progressive Renal Disease Age, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, Family history (pattern of inheritance); black race, cigarette smoking, persistent albuminuria. Encephalopathy Bronchitis and Hypersecretion follow-up During Treatment Assess nutrition with serial albumin, nitrogen balance, or respiratory quotient.

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Sinonasal sarcoid can be 89 challenging to treat; however, there are several newer medical regimens aimed at the sarcoid treatment, and management is successful in many cases. Mycetomas are densely packed collections of fungi; Aspergillus fumigates is most common. These mycetomas are usually isolated to a single sinus, most commonly the maxillary sinus. They do not invade the surrounding tissues, but they often block the sinus outflow via sheer mass effect, and trigger an inflammatory cascade within the sinus. Once the fungus ball has been removed, the sinus usually returns to its native function. Tissue invasion is rapid and treatment requires aggressive surgical intervention combined with broad empiric antibiotics and antifungal agents. Allergic fungal sinusitis is an allergic response to native fungi in otherwise healthy individuals. The immune response produces a thick material of peanutbutter consistency which can erode the surrounding bone including the bone of the eye and the skull base. Treatment involves surgical opening of the sinuses for removal of the thick mucoid material. Some have argued for allergy immunotherapy for the offending fungal agent, although data in support of this is not yet definitive (24). The heterogeneous texture of the sinus contents are characteristic of allergic fungal mucin. Other uncommon infectious sources of sinus disease include mycobacterial infections and Rhinoscleroma (Klebsiella infection). While these are uncommon entities, having an awareness of their possibility and their presentation gives us a greater ability to identify them when they do occur. Via a complex series of molecular pathways and signaling transmitters, the body defends itself against foreign particles and organisms. The working processes of the immune system are beyond the scope of this text but, briefly explained, the immune system can be separated into an innate and an acquired system. This acquired system can be further sub 91 divided into humoral and cellular branches. In innate immunity, or nonspecific barriers, molecules, and cellular components act to defend the body against invasion. In acquired immunity, the body develops defenses to a specific invading organism or particle. The humoral branch of acquired immunity provides for the creation of antibodies which are highly individualized to attack and protect against a particular particle and works in concert with the cellular branch. While an uncommon cause of sinusitis, immunodeficiency should be considered particularly in the cases of children with recalcitrant sinus problems. More common is deficiency of a specific immunoglobulin (IgA deficiency is most common). When immunodeficiency is suspected simple blood and other easily obtained tests can be performed to evaluate for immune function. Treatment of sinusitis in patients with immunodeficiency often involves similar management options as for patients with sinusitis and no immune disease. Specific treatments are devised and implemented in conjunction with an immunologist. Granulomatous diseases which may present with signs and symptoms in the nose and paranasal sinuses include all of the following except: A. Which of the following is a lifethreatening condition which typically requires immediate intervention In children with recurrent or chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps, physicians should consider the presence of which of the following systemic diseases Any patient who has undergone sinus surgery and whose symptoms persist or have worsened needs a thorough evaluation including a complete history and physical examination including a nasal endoscopy. Office nasal endoscopy is critical in the evaluation of patients who have had prior nasal and sinus surgery. Endoscopy must be performed in order to ensure that anatomic causes of persistent sinus problems are not overlooked.


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If there is concern regarding peritonitis or perforation add clindamycin for anaerobic coverage. If ileus due to sepsis is suspected, vancomycin may be used in substitution for ampicillin. In certain circumstances, consider pleural fluid, abscess material, bone, joint or peritoneal fluid cultures when infection is localized to those sites. In infants less than 1500 grams, there can be difficulty in obtaining an uncontaminated urine specimen by catheterization. Ancillary inflammatory assays may assist ruling out infection and in minimizing unnecessary antibiotic exposure. Procalcitonin is another inflammatory marker that has been used in the evaluation of sepsis. It is not recommended for routine use in the general assessment of an infant with features of late onset sepsis. It may be considered in special circumstances at the discretion of the attending neonatologist. The infant should be empirically treated with ampicillin, gentamicin and, if gram-negative organisms are suspected, cefotaxime or ceftazidime at meningeal doses. Infection of bone, joint, or both - Administer vancomycin, nafcillin and gentamicin; an Infectious Diseases consultation early in the course is advised to determine whether surgical intervention is needed. In patients who remain "septic" despite antibiotics or in whom secondary foci of infection appear on therapy, the catheter must be removed immediately. The risk is increased in preterm infants, rupture of membranes longer than 18 hours, maternal fever >100. Penicillin, ampicillin, or cefazolin, if initiated 4 hours prior to delivery is considered to be adequate prophylaxis. Newborns with signs of sepsis should receive a full diagnostic work-up and treatment. The algorithms cover most circumstances and are useful in determining unit selection, recommended observation and treatment recommendations. Infants who receive the limited evaluation are triaged to a Level 1 Newborn Nursery and are not candidates for short stay. Incidence of early- and late-onset group B streptococcus profound involvement (intrauterine growth restriction, jaundice [conjugated and unconjugated], purpura, hepatosplenomegaly, microcephaly, brain damage, and retinitis). Virus can be isolated from urine, nasal pharyngeal secretions, or peripheral blood leukocytes. Specimens must be obtained within 3 weeks of birth in order to diagnose a congenital infection. Valganciclovir administered orally to young infants is another treatment option in those patients who can be fed enterally. Candidemia can occur with or without organ dissemination in patients with indwelling central lines. Systemic corticosteroid use as well as prolonged broad-spectrum antibiotics (especially third generation cephalosporins and meropenem) increases the risk of invasive candidiasis. Other reported risk factors include total parenteral nutrition, intralipids, abdominal surgery, and H2 blockers. Invasive fungal dermatitis, which can be caused by Candida species or other fungi. These diagnostic imaging studies should be performed in the late 2nd or third week of therapy since initial evaluation can be misleading early in the course of therapy. Treatment Chemoprophylaxis Several studies, including 3 multicenter randomized studies, have compared the effect of prophylactic intravenous fluconazole versus placebo for six weeks in very low or extremely low birth weight infants.

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G-U System, remove information on "Contraceptives and Hormone Replacement Therapy. G-U System, revise guidance on Gender Identity Disorder to specify requirements for current status report, psychiatric and/or psychological evaluations, and surgery follow-up reports. Medical Policy 494 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners 2012 01/26/12 1. Heart, remove requirement for reporting serum potassium values if the airman is taking diuretics. In Protocol for Evaluation of Hypertension, remove requirement for reporting serum potassium if the airman is taking diuretics. In Pharmaceuticals (Therapeutic Medications) section, change title of Antihistaminic and Desensitization Injections to include the word "Allergy. Medical Policy 495 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners Medications, revise page format to clarify policy. In General Information, Equipment Requirements, revise to include equipment to measure height and weight. In Pharmaceuticals, Antidepressants, revise to clarify medical history, protocol, and pharmaceutical considerations. Medical Policy 496 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners Fibrillation, revise to include additional criteria for deferral ("bleeding that required medical intervention"). In Pharmaceuticals, reorganize and clarify the page content for Acne Medications, Antacids, 3. In Pharmaceuticals (Therapeutic Medications) Desensitization Injections, revise and clarify criteria for hay fever medications. Medical Policy 498 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners substitute for color vision testing. In Exam Techniques, Item 2122 Height and Weight, add Body Mass Index Chart and Formula Table. In Aerospace Medical Dispositions, Item 48, General Systemic, clarify disposition for Hyperthroydism and Hypothyrodism. In Aerospace Medical Dispositions, Item 47, Psychiatric Conditions Table of Medical Dispositions, clarify "see below" information in Evaluation Data column. In Disease Protocols, Binocular Multifocal and Accommodating Devices, clarify criteria for adaptation period before certification. In Applicant History, Item 17b, revise and clarify criteria regarding use of types of contact lenses. History of Arrest(s), Conviction(s), and/or Administrative Action(s), revise 2010 09/20/10 1. Administrative Medical Policy 499 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners and clarify deferral and issuance criteria. Medical Policy In Disease Protocols, Substances of Dependence/Abuse (Drugs and Alcohol), change "personnel statement" to "personal statement.

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They risked their jobs, housing, and progress towards retirement benefits in reliance on our word that we would treat their disclosures fairly and in good faith. Using that information now as a basis for separating these soldiers from their service is an unprecedented betrayal of the trust that is so essential to achieving the mission of all of the armed forces. The reversal penalizes transgender service members for doing what DoD encouraged them to do. Transgender service members, their chain of command, and their colleagues who may lose people on whom they rely, must now deal with this enormous distraction, thus detracting from military readiness. This sudden reversal also undermines the morale and readiness of other groups who must now deal with the stress and uncertainty created by this dangerous precedent, which represents a stark departure from the foundational principle that military policy will be based on military, not political, considerations. More recently, DoD also removed remaining barriers for women serving in certain ground combat positions. This sudden reversal may also have a chilling effect on the confidence of other service members that they will continue to be able to serve. Religious and ethnic minorities who have seen an increase in discrimination under the current administration may fear that the military may seek to ban them next, creating a culture of fear that is anathema to the stability and certainty that makes for an effective military. This sudden reversal undermines the confidence of all service members that important military policy decisions will be made under careful review and consistent with established process. I am a Professor of Psychiatry and the Associate Chairman for Veterans Affairs in the Department of Psychiatry at the East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine. The majority of my work involves research, teaching, and consulting about transgender health in military and civilian populations. I graduated from the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York in 1979 Summa Cum Laude with a double major in biology and geology. I earned my Doctor of Medicine degree with Honors from the University of Rochester School of Medicine in 1983. From 1983-1984, I served as an intern at the United States Air Force Medical Center at WrightPatterson Air Force Base in Ohio. From 1984-1987, I worked in and completed the United States Air Force Integrated Residency Program in Psychiatry at Wright State University and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. I began seeing patients in 1983, and I have been a practicing psychiatrist since 1987 when I completed my residency. Over the last 33 years, I have evaluated, treated, and/or conducted research with between 600 and 1000 individuals with gender disorders in person, and over 5100 patients with Gender Dysphoria during the course of research-related chart reviews. The vast majority of those patients have been active duty military personnel or veterans. For three decades, my research and clinical practice has included extensive study of transgender health and care of transgender individuals, including three of the largest studies focused on the health-care needs of transgender service members and veterans. Throughout that time, I have done research with, taught on, and published peer-reviewed professional publications specifically addressing the needs of transgender military service members. In 2014, I coauthored a study along with former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders and other military health experts, including a retired General and a retired Admiral, entitled "Medical Aspects of Transgender Military Service. The study was published in the military peer-reviewed journal, Armed Forces and Society. I have testified or otherwise served as an expert on transgender health issues in cases heard by numerous federal district courts and a federal tax court. After the Department of Defense announced the change in policy towards transgender servicemembers in 2016, I conducted the first two large military trainings on the provision of health care to transgender service members. The second was for a tri-service meeting of several hundred active duty military clinicians and commanders in the fall of 2016. The term "transgender" is a term used to describe someone who experiences any significant degree of misalignment between their gender identity and their assigned sex at birth. For most people, their gender identity is consistent with their assigned birth sex. Most individuals assigned female at birth, grow up, develop, and manifest a gender identity typically associated with girls and women. Most individuals assigned male at birth, grow up, develop, and manifest a gender identity typically associated with boys and men. Transgender women are individuals assigned male at birth who have a persistent gender identification associated with female identity.

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In 1997, systemic mycoses ranked seventh as the underlying cause of death due to infections, compared with tenth in 1980 (Pinner et al, 1996; McNeil et al, 2001). Autopsy studies have also confirmed the increase in the incidence of disseminated candidiasis, reflecting the parallel increase in candidemia (Singh, 2001; McNeil et al, 2001). Candidemia is also associated with a prolongation of hospital length of stay (70 days vs. Candida species are frequently recovered from the hospital environment, including food, counter tops, air-conditioning vents, floors, respirators, and from medical personnel (Mahayni et al, 1995). Candida species are also commensals of diseased skin and mucosal surfaces of the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and respiratory tracts (Odds, 1994). Until recently, epidemiologic data of Candida colonization, transmission, and infection were incomplete because of a lack of a reliable strain delineation (genotyping) system (Soll, 2000). Prospective molecular epidemiologic studies of Candida using longitudinal cultures have shown that individual patient tends to harbor the same genotype of Candida over long periods of time (Pfaller et al, 1990; Vazquez et al, 1993a; Soll, 2000). More than 60% of patients with candidemia have positive cultures for the same Candida genotype as the genotype isolated from various anatomic sites prior to developing fungemia (Pfaller et al, 1990). Low numbers of organisms are the result of effective antifungal host defense mechanisms in the oral cavity. In these patients, antifungal agents are also less efficacious and take longer to achieve a clinical response (Darouiche, 1998). Symptoms of oral thrush are variable, including a sore, painful mouth, burning tongue and dysphagia (Vazquez, 2000). Signs include diffuse erythema with white patches that appear as discrete lesions on the surfaces of the mucosa, throat, tongue, and gums. With some difficulty, the plaques can be wiped off revealing a raw, erythematous and sometimes bleeding base. Oropharyngeal candidiasis can impair the quality of life by reduction in fluid or food intake. Plaques may be small and discrete or confluent lesions involving the entire oral mucosa, and consist of necrotic material and desquamated epithelial cells, penetrated by hyphae and yeast cells which continue their invasion into the stratum corneum (Letiner, 1964). Identical strains of Candida have also been recovered from patient food prior to patient acquisition (Berger et al, 1988; Vazquez et al, 1993b). In one study of nosocomial acquisition of Candida, approximately 70% of patients were colonized with multiple strains of C. Nineteenth-century authorities recognized that thrush invariably arose as a consequence of preexisting illness (Trousseau, 1869; Parrot, 1877). The taxonomic confusion continued until 1933 when Berkhout proposed the genus name Candida, separating this genus from the universal Monilia genus that affects fruit and vegetables (Berkhout, 1923). Diffuse erythema and edema of the portion of the palate in contact with dentures is evident (see Color. Even in the absence of signs or symptoms, the prevalence of yeast is higher in denture wearers. Candida species readily adhere to plastic objects including orthodontic appliances. Angular cheilitis or cheilosis is characterized by soreness, erythema, and fissuring at the corners of the mouth (see Color. Cheilitis may accompany oral thrush or denture stomatitis, or may appear in the absence of oral disease (Cawson, 1965). Vitamin deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia are also associated with cheilitis, with Candida as a secondary colonizer (Russotto, 1980). Oral white patches are discrete, transparent to whitish raised lesions of variable sizes found on the inner surface of the cheeks and, less frequently, on the tongue. These lesions are found predominantly in males and are highly associated with smoking. Most leukoplakia lesions are not related to Candida infection (Daftary et al, 1972; Russotto, 1980) and may be premalignant. Importantly, there is no known association between Candida and either dysplasia or malignancy.

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A list of these disclosures and the date of their last update are available in Appendix 3. The panel coeditors review each reported association for potential conflict of interest and determine the appropriate action: disqualification from the panel, disqualification/recusal from topic review and discussion, or no disqualification needed. A conflict of interest is defined as any direct financial interest related to a product addressed in the section of the guidelines to which a panel member contributes content. Financial interests include direct receipt by the panel member of payments, gratuities, consultancies, honoraria, employment, grants, support for travel or accommodation, or gifts from an entity having a commercial interest in that product. Each working group and the co-editors meet at least every 6 months by teleconference to review data that may warrant modification of the guidelines. These comments are reviewed, and a determination is made by the appropriate working group and the co-editors as to whether revisions are indicated. The public may also submit comments to the Panel at any time at contactus@aidsinfo. None N/A N/A Advisory Board/Research Support Advisory Board Research Support N/A None N/A Author: Progressive Multifocal Merck & Co. Co-Author: Human Herpesvirus 8 Infections Co-Author: Candida Infections Co-Author: Coccidioidomycosis, Histoplasmosis Author: Cryptosporidium Infections, Giardiasis, Isosporiasis, Microsporidiosis Author: Cryptococcal Infections None Merck & Co. Infections, Varicella-Zoster GlaxoSmithKline Virus Infections Curevo Vaccine Co-Author: Cryptosporidium Chimerix Inc. Infections, Giardiasis, Astellas Pharma Isosporiasis, Microsporidiosis Author: Mycobacterium None avium Complex Disease, Toxoplasmosis Co-Author: Hepatitis B Virus Merck & Co. Infections, Hepatitis C Virus Gilead Sciences Infections Author: Mycobacterium None Tuberculosis Core Leadership Group None Advisory Board/Research Support Research Support/Advisory Board Advisory Board Research Support Research Support N/A Research Support Research Support None N/A Author: Human Papillomavirus Infections Author: Hepatitis B Virus Infections Merck & Co. Chemoprophylaxis for infants aged <3 months is not recommended unless the exposure situation is judged to be critical. Zanamivir is not recommended for chemoprophylaxis in children aged <5 years or for children with underlying respiratory disease. See Fiore 2011 and Influenza Antiviral Medications: Summary for Clinicians for further details. Equally recommended options include chloroquine, atovaquone/proguanil, doxycycline (for children aged 8 years), and mefloquine; primaquine is recommended for areas with mainly P. For travel to chloroquine-resistant areas, preferred drugs are atovaquone/proguanil, doxycycline (for children aged 8 years) or mefloquine. December 9, 2019 First Choice Varicella vaccine N/A Alternative Comments/Special Issues See Figure 1 for detailed vaccine recommendations. Revised classification system for human immunodeficiency virus infection in children aged <13 years. Evaluate for tuberculosis, cryptococcosis, and endemic fungi as epidemiology suggests. Itraconazole capsules are generally ineffective for treatment of esophageal disease.


  • https://www.gehealthcare.com/-/jssmedia/f5a08f34b9c64dbd9a47ef2aebd681c7.pdf?la=en-us
  • http://www.alanrosenmd.com/New2-finger.pdf
  • https://www.maine.gov/ems/sites/maine.gov.ems/files/inline-files/CCTTP-April-9-2019.pdf
  • https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/MediaLibraries/URMCMedia/life-sciences-learning-center/documents/Stem_Cells_and_Cancer.pdf