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There is often, but not always, a history of an earlier episodeofanorexianervosa,theintervalrangingfromafewmonthstoseveralyears. Whether a sleep disorder in a given patient is an independentconditionorsimplyoneofthefeaturesofanotherdisorderclassified elsewhere,eitherinthischapterorinothers,shouldbedeterminedonthebasisof itsclinicalpresentationandcourse,aswellasonthetherapeuticconsiderationsand prioritiesatthetimeoftheconsultation. The dream experience is very vivid and usually includes themesinvolvingthreatstosurvival,securityorself-esteem. This category is to be used only if there is no primarynonorganicsexualdysfunction. Persistentuseofthesesubstancesofteninvolvesunnecessarycontactswithmedical professionals or supporting staff, and is sometimes accompanied by harmful physical effects of the substances. Attempts to dissuade or forbid the use of the substanceareoftenmetwithresistance;forlaxativesandanalgesics,thismaybein spiteofwarningsabout(oreventhedevelopmentof)physicalharmsuchasrenal dysfunctionorelectrolytedisturbances. Someoftheseconditions andpatternsofbehaviouremergeearlyinthecourseofindividualdevelopment,asa result of both constitutional factors and social experience, while others are acquired laterinlife. Suchbehaviourpatternstendtobestableandtoencompassmultiple domains of behaviour and psychological functioning. They are frequently, but not always,associatedwithvariousdegreesofsubjectivedistressandproblemsofsocial performance. F60 Specific personality disorders these are severe disturbances in the personality and behavioural tendencies of the individual;notdirectlyresultingfromdisease,damageorotherinsulttothebrain,or fromanotherpsychiatricdisorder;usuallyinvolvingseveralareasofthepersonality; nearlyalwaysassociatedwithconsiderablepersonaldistressandsocialdisruption;and usuallymanifestsincechildhoodoradolescenceandcontinuingthroughoutadulthood. Thereisalowtolerancetofrustrationandalow threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence; there is a tendency to blameothers,ortoofferplausiblerationalizationsforthebehaviour,bringingthe patientintoconflictwithsociety. Thereisatendencytoquarrelsomebehaviourandto conflicts with others, especially when impulsive acts are thwarted or censored. Twotypesmaybedistinguished:theimpulsivetype,characterizedpredominantly by emotional instability and lack of impulse control, and the borderline type, characterized in addition by disturbances in self-image, aims and internal preferences,bychronicfeelingsofemptiness,byintenseandunstableinterpersonal relationships, and by a tendency to self-destructive behaviour, including suicide gesturesandattempts. Thereisacontinuousyearningtobelikedandaccepted, a hypersensitivity to rejection and criticism, with restricted personal attachments, andatendencytoavoidcertainactivitiesbyhabitualexaggerationofthepotential dangersorrisksineverydaysituations. The personality change should be significant and be associated with inflexibleandmaladaptivebehaviournotpresentbeforethepathogenicexperience. The change cannot be explained by a previous personality disorder and should be differentiated from residualschizophreniaandotherstatesofincompleterecoveryfromanantecedent mentaldisorder. Thisdisorderischaracterizedbyanexcessivedependenceonand ademandingattitudetowardsothers;convictionofbeingchangedorstigmatizedby theillness,leadingtoaninabilitytoformandmaintaincloseandconfidingpersonal relationships and to social isolation; passivity, reduced interests, and diminished involvementinleisureactivities;persistentcomplaintsofbeingill,whichmaybe associatedwithhypochondriacalclaimsandillnessbehaviour;dysphoricorlabile mood,notduetothepresenceofacurrentmentaldisorderorantecedentmental disorder with residual affective symptoms; and longstanding problems in social andoccupationalfunctioning. The cause of these disorders is not understood and they are grouped together because of broad descriptive similarities, not because they are knowntoshareanyotherimportantfeatures. This behaviour is usually accompanied by an increasing sense of tension before, and a sense of gratification during and immediatelyafter,theact. The diagnosis requires a profound disturbanceofthenormalgenderidentity;meretomboyishnessingirlsorgirlish behaviourinboysisnotsufficient. Fetishistictransvestism isdistinguishedfromtranssexualtransvestismbyitsclearassociationwithsexual arousal and the strong desire to remove the clothing once orgasm occurs and sexual arousal declines. The patient suffers from uncertainty about his or her gender identity or sexual orientation, which causes anxiety or depression. Most commonly this occurs in adolescents who are not certain whether they are homosexual, heterosexual or bisexualinorientation,orinindividualswho,afteraperiodofapparentlystable sexualorientation(oftenwithinalongstandingrelationship),findthattheirsexual orientationischanging. Degrees of mental retardation are conventionally estimated by standardized intelligence tests.

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The position paper and the methodology for the development of the Practice Guidelines are available at Elk Grove Village, Ill: American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; 2011. In asymptomatic individuals at low risk for coronary heart disease (10-year risk <10%) screening for coronary heart disease with exercise electrocardiography does not improve patient outcomes. In patients with back pain that cannot be attributed to a specific disease or spinal abnormality following a history and physical examination. In the absence of cardiopulmonary symptoms, preoperative chest radiography rarely provides any meaningful changes in management or improved patient outcomes. The group collaboratively identified and narrowed down screening or diagnostic tests commonly used in clinical situations where they are unlikely to provide high value or improve patient outcomes. Internists specialize in the prevention, detection, and treatment of illness in adults. However, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate benefit from multivitamin supplementation to prevent cardiovascular disease or cancer. Adequate evidence demonstrates that supplementation with vitamin E and beta carotene in healthy populations specifically have no benefit on cardiovascular disease or cancer. Beta carotene is also associated with increased risks of lung cancer in smokers and people who have been exposed to asbestos. As a result, increased harms and medical costs due to widespread screening of asymptomatic men are believed to outweigh the benefits of routine screening. In rare circumstances, such as a strong family history of prostate and related cancers, screening may be appropriate. However, there is no data suggesting that these imaging studies will improve survival or improve the likelihood of finding a tumor (estimated tumor detection is less than 2% in asymptomatic patients screened). Whole-body scanning is not recommended by medical professional societies for individuals without symptoms, nor is it a routinely practiced screening procedure in healthy populations. Studies estimate that for every 10% increase in the use of generic cholesterol drugs, Medicare costs could be reduced by $1 billion annually. Screening provides no benefits to these patients and may subject them to potential risks from false-positive results; including physical. In addition, cervical cancer screening should not be performed on women over the age of 65 that are at low risk for cervical cancer and have had negative results from prior screenings. Health care professionals should make this decision on a case-by-case basis, but once a patient stops receiving screenings, in general, they should not re-start screenings. Each task force member individually developed 2-3 recommendations and the top ten were selected using an electronic survey by the entire task force. Subsequently, the ten recommendations were prioritized by the task force and rationales with references were produced. Vitamin, mineral, and multivitamin supplements for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer: U. Screening for prostate cancer: a guidance statement from the Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians. In Medicare Part D plans, low or zero copays and other features to encourage the use of generic statins work, could save billions. The implications of choice: prescribing generic or preferred pharmaceuticals improves medication adherence for chronic conditions. Those patients with a significant likelihood of structural disease requiring immediate attention are detected by clinical screens that have been validated in many settings. Also, incidental findings lead to additional medical procedures and expense that do not improve patient well-being. Performing routine admission or preoperative chest x-rays is not recommended for ambulatory patients without specific reasons suggested by the history and/or physical examination findings.

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The Franken race was not the only election von Spakovsky and Fund claim was won through voter fraud. Althoughthiswasstillnotenoughvotestogive Bob Dornan the margin of victory, they argue "the possibility is strong that undetectedillegalvoteschangedtheoutcomeoftheelection. Additionally, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, of the 624noncitizen votes, "only 71 voters matched name, date of birth, and signature; other matches were less reliable. The investigation that involved federal, state, and county agencies resulted in not a single prosecution. The few who were identified as being "illegal, non-citizen voters,"theRepublicansecretaryofstatedidnotprosecuteafter"decidingthey hadregisteredinerrorandnotfromcriminalintent. He and von Spakovsky had written to each other before, so he emailed to ask for the report. Two requests directly to von Spakovsky and one email to the head of the Heritage Foundation, where von Spakovskyworked,allwentunanswered. Nothing in the report supports the claim that "extensive registration and impersonation fraud" took place: no examples of voter fraud "wherepeoplewereshowingupatthepollsinsomekindofconspiracy,claimed [sic]tobesomeoneelse,andtrickingelectionofficials. HansvonSpakovskynotonlyoperatesasasingleentitypushingthemythof voter fraud, he has actively coordinated with several groups working to disenfranchise minorities. One such group is True the Vote, a grassroots organizationofTeaPartyactiviststhathaschallengedvoterregistrationsaround the country, often using erroneous and unchecked data. TruetheVotealsohelps voter integrity organizations around the country challenge "suspicious" registrations by providing software for volunteers to use for examining voter registrations-one of the criteria the software flags is those households where sixormoreregisteredvoterslive. The buses are allegedly coming from other countries, Native American reservations, Chicago, or Detroit. His lies have a clearly politicalbent,andhehasbuiltacareerinconservativemediaandasafellowat theHeritageFoundationthatisbasednotonsolidresearch,butonhisquestto disenfranchiseDemocraticvoters. HisroleinLies,Incorporatedisprovidingfuzzydatatolegitimizeaposition that in the absence of his research would be obviously discriminatory. Von Spakovsky is actively putting into use the "coded" language Lee Atwater suggested in 1981. Atwater, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee who helped elect Ronald Reagan and George H. Bush, once explained the delicate balance the Republican Party must play when using racially tinged issues to win elections without appearing outwardly racist-by "gettingabstract"whentalkingaboutrace: You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger. His role in Lies, Incorporated is to make an otherwise politically untenable and noxious position entirely acceptable. Wade, activists, aided in some cases by doctors, have manufactured a seriesofliesthathaveledtolawsdesignedtolimittheavailabilityofabortion. Lewis asked, "Was he implying that exceptions to abortion law leads women to retroactively claim that consensual sexwasarape-inordertoprocureabortionsforconvenience The myth that women who are raped cannot get pregnant was passed down from conservative to conservative. Within the pro-life movement, the lie that rape could not result in conception became true. First, it allows pro-lifers to argue that rape exceptions are unnecessary because it happenssorarely. BushfederaljudicialappointeeJamesLeonHolmeswroteinaletter:"Concern for rape victims is a red herring because conceptions from rape occur with approximatelythesamefrequencyassnowfallinMiami. Writing for nineteen pages with seventy-six footnotes, Mecklenburg argued against "hardship" exceptions, primarily for rape,incest,andthehealthofthemother,inthebansonabortionthatwerethe norm in America at that time. Theyfoundtheresultof this traumatic experience was that "an extremely high percentage of these womendidnotovulate. According to Mecklenburg, the fact that no rapists were charged or convictedofacrimeduringtheperiodbeforethelawwaschanged"castssome realdoubtontherealityoftheallegedrapes. Ashiftbeganinthe1970swithan anti-rape movement pushing for changes, including the creation of rape shield laws, designed to protect victims from invasive cross-examinations by defense attorneys. Heservedaschairmanoftheob-gyndepartmentatInovaFairfax Hospital,22 which is ranked number 30 on U. A footnoteinthebookindicatedhelearnedoftheNazistudyfromalecturegiven by Georgetown professor Andre Hellegers in 1967.

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As it was rainy they took possession of our stables, so that the cows could not be brought in and could not be milked. Soon after noon the soldiers went ton to Salem, at which we were content and happy. Both he and Ripley speak of Sumter being down to 100 men at this time, but this seems rather too conservative an estimate. A treacherous river pilot, however, in passing Fort Watson along the way, steered his craft under the guns of that fort and the stores and money chests were retaken by the British. Oldham and two Maryland companies, while hovering around Cornwallis at Hillsborough, watched for British foraging parties; while constantly shifting their own locations to avert detection. At one point, they received reports of Tarleton (who was said to have most of the British cavalry, two light brass cannon, and 400 infantry with him) being at a farm house in the vicinity and prepared to make a careful surprise attack. The main body moving obliquely to their right through an unsettled region, they encamped within three miles of the great road, with the Haw [River] on their right, about seven miles distant. Here they were joined by the light parties sent out in the morning, and by the officer who had the day before been detached toward Hillsborough. The first reported that every thing was still on the road, and that they had not seen a single person, except a well-grown boy, during the day, whom they had brought along with them agreeable to orders. From this lad we discovered that Tarleton had not passed the river yesterday, but would do it on the next morning. Resting for the night, the corps proceeded after breakfast the next day, waiting until then to give time for the exploring parties to renew their efforts in obtaining more precise intelligence. Guides became unnecessary now; for the British detachment had plundered all the houses on the road, known, as they were, to be the property of patriots, and symbols of devastation marked their steps. From them the American commandants learned that the loyalists between the Haw and Deep rivers were certainly embodying, and that the British detachment would not advance far on the other side of the river, it being commonly said among the soldiers, that they should return in a few days. By what could be gathered from report, and judging by the time of passing any one house, it appeared that most of the cavalry, two light brass pieces, and four hundred infantry, composed the detachment. Sending again a small party of dragoons down the road, to discover whether any second body of troops were moving from Hillsborough, Pickens and Lee continued on to the Haw, which they passed without delay, hearing that Lieutenant-Colonel Tarleton was encamped four miles in front. At this moment the officer sent down the road rejoined, communicating that there was no prospect of interruption from that quarter. From him it was ascertained that Lieutenant-Colonel Tarleton, as had been reported, commanded the party, and that he was encamped within three miles of us about noon; that his horses were unsaddled, and that appearances indicated his confidence of security. This being correct, Tarleton had the advantage in number of cavalry, but was inferior in quality; he had two light pieces, the Americans none; he was numerically inferior in infantry, but his troops were all tried regulars, while half of our infantry were militia, though of the best sort. The infantry of the Legion led by Lieutenant-Colonel Lee, forming the centre, moved directly toward the enemy. When arriving within a few hundred yards of the expected theatre of glory, the farm and house were seen, but no enemy. Greene and the main army, reinforced now with a substantial body of militia under Stevens, re-crossed the Dan River, having in mind to place themselves in a more favorable location to receive reinforcements and supplies from Virginia; while keeping Cornwallis from inciting and drawing forth the loyalists. The British, states Graham, lost nine killed and wounded; while the remainder were taken prisoner. In his report to Greene, Pickens says the American detachment was commanded by Col. Lock, who was camped four miles below at High Rock Ford,2228 was badly in need of ammunition, lead in particular; which he would have Lock send to Greene for. In his request to Greene on the 24th from High Rock, Lock reported his men did not have a "Second ball," and asked Greene for 200. The Cavalry came down at full charge, and by the time the guard had fled one hundred yards beyond the river their front was overtaken, and the whole killed or captured. Pickens was ordered to pass round the British, fall in their rear & watch their movements & to communicate them to the Genl. Applicant was kept in advance in rear of the British, took many prisoners on the way to the borders of Virginia. Continuing upon their rear on their retrograde march, until their arrival at Hillsborough.

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Yanan Li*, South Dakota State University; Yingkui Li, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Xiaoyu Lu, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Jon Harbor, Purdue University, Geomorphometric Controls on Mountain Glacier Changes since the Little Ice Age in the Eastern Tien Shan, Central Asia. Alexander Hohl*, University of North Carolina Charlotte; Minrui Zheng, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Meijuan Jia, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Eric M Delmelle, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Wenwu Tang, University of North Carolina - Charlotte, Sensitivity Analysis of a High-Performance Spatiotemporal Pattern Mining Algorithm. Szymon Marcinczak, Prof*, University of Lodz, Determinants of individual commuting in Poland two decades after socialism. Pratyusha Basu*, University of Texas at El Paso; Milena Janiec Grygo, Constructing the Future or Repeating the Past Rodrigo Edgardo Gonzalez Lagos*, Universidad De Santiago De Chile, Mapping of social housing programs in Santiago, Chile. Aliabadi, Professor, University of Guelph; Rajasekhar Balasubramanian, Professor, National University of Singapore; Leslie K. Norford, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Pedestrian Level Wind Flow Enhancement with Wind Catcher. Danyang Liu*, Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment (Nanjing Normal University), Ministry of Education; Min Chen, Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment (Nanjing Normal University), Ministry of Education; Kejian Qian, International Training Center for Geographical Information System at Suzhou; Mengling Lei, Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment (Nanjing Normal University), Ministry of Education, Morphology Detection of Group Impact Crater Based on the Lunar Digital Elevation Model Using Terrain Analysis Method. Sorin Cebotari*, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania, Against all odds: Community owned renewable energy. Bacon*, University of Virginia School of Architecture, Assemblages of Care: Community Ownership in Rural Scotland. Gibbs*, University of Hull, Transition Regions and Alternative Green Economy Practices: A Research Agenda. Hilary Hungerford*, Utah Valley University, Watering the cloud: A political ecology of water, infrastructure, and technology industries in urban Utah. Ties Vanthillo, University of Antwerp; Jeroen Cant, University of Antwerp; Thierry Vanelslander, University of Antwerp; Ann Verhetsel, University of Antwerp, the role of regional strategies in the evolution of a chemical cluster. Zhongjin Li*, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, Developmental states and neoliberalizing space in East Asia A case of Japan and South Korea. Chrobok, University of Toronto; Carla BorstaadKlassen, University of Toronto, Evaluating Change: Program Evaluation, Community Development, and. Ahmed Allahwala, PhD*, University of Toronto Scarborough, Fostering critical citizenship through participatory action research in secondary geography. Corey J Martz*, University of Denver, Impact of an Place for Denver Urban Children. Thea Christina Schoeman*, University of Johannesburg, Formalizing Waste Pickers in the City of Johannesburg, South Africa. Elena Givental*, California State University, East Bay, Analyzing the Roots of Overurbanization and Poverty Production in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Daniere, University of Toronto Nathan Stewart*, University of Toronto, Pushed to the Edge: Citizenship, Vulnerability, and the Temporal Allocation of Rights and Protections in the Informal Settlements of Khon Kaen, Thailand. Angelica de Jesus*, University of Toronto, the cascading impacts of migration and environmental challenges: Experiences of Myanmar labour migrants in Phuket, Thailand. Furqan Asif*, University of Ottawa, Leaving the coast: the interplay of migration, well-being and resilience in. Elizabeth Havice*, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Amy Braun, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Andre Boustany, Duke University; Lisa Campbell, Duke University, Tracking Mobile Marine Species: Spatial Data, Visualization and the Science-Policy Interface. Eric Lovell*, University of Colorado - Boulder, Land-use Planning, Livestock Movements, and Gully Erosion in. Benjamin Stewart*, the World Bank Group; Mark Roberts, Sr Urban Economist, the World Bank Group; Brian Blankespoor, Environmental Specialist, the World Bank Group; Chandan Deuskar, PhD Student, University of Pennsylvania, Urbanization and Development: Is Latin America and the Caribbean Different from the Rest of the World. Nancy Davis Lewis, PhD*, East-West Center, the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030: Health, Gender and Urbanization. Kay Lalor*, Manchester Metropolitan University, Progress at home and violence abroad Interrogating transnational legal narratives of sexual orientation and gender identity. 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Despite strict legal regulations, the ethical balancing of harm and benefit remains an extremely challenging task. It commits itself to use its special expertise in a wide spectrum of research fields within the life sciences and humanities to promote the advancement of animal protection. This includes assessment of adequate living conditions for the animals used in research, investigations of behaviors indicating distress or dissent of the animals, and research on the cognitive abilities of different species. Scientific advances relevant for animal welfare will be monitored, new information distributed, and possible consequences discussed. Executive Summary top Both laypersons and scientists alike are uncomfortable with animal research when it causes animals to suffer. This goal is consistent with public opinion on animal research and with laws, regulations, and guidelines governing the conduct of animal research. While eliminating significant animal suffering in the laboratory is an ambitious target, what is needed along the way is a focused, urgent effort to recognize, alleviate, and prevent such suffering, so that science can progress without causing pain and distress to animals. Public concern for research animal suffering has led to passage of two laws regulating animal research. The current categories are confusing and there is no category for procedures causing pain and distress that were partially but not fully alleviated with drugs. The categories do not adequately address the issue of levels of pain and distress (the current categories boil down to a yes/no dichotomy). Several foreign countries have pain classification systems that are more straightforward and meaningful than the U. Many of these systems report levels of pain and distress as minor, moderate, or severe, or some variation thereof. Similarly, the Canadians report that 13% of the animals used in the category of basic research experience moderate to severe pain. Pain and distress caused by specific research models and techniques raise serious concerns for those in the animal welfare community as well as in the scientific community. Yet good estimates of how much animal pain and/or animal distress is caused by particular techniques or methods are not yet available. More data are needed to discriminate amongst research models and specific techniques in terms of the pain and distress they typically induce. Pain and distress may be specific to a particular research model, species, or gender and may affect the extent of suffering caused in that particular animal model. First, there is much conceptual confusion in the use of terms such as pain, distress and suffering, and how they relate to one another. Second, animal use in the laboratory is quite varied; refinements developed for any one specific procedure do not necessarily translate to other procedures. Third, animal pain, distress and suffering are not easy to recognize or measure unambiguously and there is considerable opportunity for legitimate disagreement among scientists. Sensitive, practical measures to gauge levels of distress in common laboratory animal species do not presently exist. For the most part, animal care staff rely on ad hoc observations or on relatively insensitive measures such as weight loss, to ascertain whether animals are experiencing pain and/or distress. Fifth, lab personnel may develop "distancing mechanisms" that help them cope with causing harm to animals but which can also lead to people ignoring or overlooking pain or distress that, with more attention, could be alleviated or avoided altogether. It is therefore essential to promote a discussion on when distress occurs and to achieve some consensus on those procedures that cause either pain or distress. It is not beyond the scope and responsibility of the scientific community to determine underlying principles of pain and distress alleviation in animals which can then be applied to the varied models and methods. Our aim is to seek out new approaches to recognizing, measuring, and alleviating animal distress. The decrease in support is even more evident when the public is questioned about the experimental use of animals involving pain and/or distress. In the past few years, fortunately, there has been an increase in attention to pain and distress issues within science and academe. These activities will lead to improvements for both animals and the humans that rely on them.


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Huntley, University of Kentucky Maria Arquero De Alarcon*, University of Michigan; McLain Clutter, Associate Professor, University of Michigan, Informal / Irregular / Illegal: the Production Of Urban Land In the Mexico City Metropolitan Area. Wilson William Rankin*, Yale University, Escaping the Jurisdictional Trap: Mapping American Slavery. Johnson, Hobart & William Smith Colleges; Nicholas Beuret, Hobart and William Smith Colleges; Ingrid L. Stefan Rzedzian*, Newcastle University, Promoting Environmental Activist Organisations and their Resistance to Extractivism. Meg Boyle*, Pennsylvania State University, Implications of Self-Differentiation for South-South Climate Cooperation. Elizabeth Lord*, University of Toronto, Politics of Environmental Research in Contemporary China. Kangjae Lee*, Informatics, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Joshua Peschel, Dept. Lamb*, University of South Florida, Spatiotemporal Clustering of Motorcycle Crashes on a. Wangshu Mu*, University of Arizona; Daoqin Tong, University of Arizona, A Spatial-Knowledge Enhanced Heuristic for the p-Median Problem. Pengyu Zhu*, Urban Greenbelt as a Linear Urban Park and a Transportation Corridor. Karen Thomas-Brown, PhD*, University of MichiganDearborn, Sustainable Communities Sustainable Lives: Stories from Osborn Detroit. William Clark*, University of California - Los Angeles; William Lisowski, Independent Scholar, Does. Matthew Balentine*, University of North Carolina Greensboro, A Geographic Analysis of Plasma Collection in the United States. Robert Wilson*, Syracuse University, the Age of the Market in the Progressive Era. Carolyn Prouse*, University of British Columbia, commodifying reproduction: Racialized, classed, and gendered geographies of breast milk markets. Sarah Becklake*, Lancaster University, Touristic Securitisation and Complex Inequalities in the Global South: the Case of Guatemala. Meghan Muldoon*, University of Waterloo, "Polishing the wounds of the past" via slum tourism. Fouberg, Northern State University Panelists: Melissa Hinten, University of Tennessee; Kerry Lyste, Everett Community College; Sterling Quinn, Central State University Room: Posters for this session can be found on pages 245-251. Trent Ford*, Southern Illinois University; Justin Schoof, Southern Illinois University, Characterizing Extreme and Oppressive Heat Waves in Illinois. Liyan Tian*, Texas A&M University; Steven M Quiring, Department of Geography, Ohio State University, Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Drought in Oklahoma. Pat Farrell*, University of Minnesota Duluth; Mary Burns Farrell, Gonzaga University, the Art of Soil Domestication. Cervantes De Blois*, University of MinnesotaTwinCities, Soya Production within Uzbek-Kyrgyz in the Field. Mohamed Mostefaoui*, Northeastern Illinois University, Mapping Spatiotemporal Land Sensitivity to . Widener, University of Toronto; Mei-Po Kwan, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Madison, Chicago, Zurich, and Austin. Knapp, University Of Texas - Austin Panelists: Samantha Marie Krause, University of Texas - Austin; Charles Frederick; Christine Drennon, Trinity University; Mike Blum, University of Kansas; Carlos E. Military Academy, Moving Monuments: Collective Memory and Memorialization at West Point. Andrew Lohman, PhD*, West Point, Airborne Assault on Corregidor: A study in Weather, Terrain, and Cultural Landscapes. Orit Rotem-Mindali*, Bar Ilan University, Visualizing accessibility disadvantages in the city. Chenhao Fu*, School of Geography and Planning, Sun YatSen University; Suhong Zhou, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University; Xiaopei Yan, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University, factors of shopping activity-chain at uncertain context.

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First, the approximately 80,000 blacks who cast their ballots, nearly four times the number of those actually registered, vividly demonstrated that given the opportunity they wanted to vote and participate as first-class citizens in the electoral process. The largest contingent of blacks signed up to vote in Jackson, the state capital and the most urban area in Mississippi. Rather than an indication of apathy on the part of blacks, the lean participation indicated that well justified fear continued to keep blacks from 164 Ibid. Chafe, Never Stop Running: Allard Lowenstein and the Struggle to Save American Liberalism (New York: Basic Books, 1993), 180-82. Whenever blacks had the chance to make their voices heard, whether in church meetings, fraternal organizations, labor unions, and New Deal agricultural programs, they enthusiastically did so. Indeed, African Americans had forcefully voiced their political opinions in protest marches, boycotts, and testimony before congressional committees and administrative agencies. The large turnout in the Freedom Ballot amply demonstrated that the flame of black political involvement had not been extinguished in what Mississippi historian James W. Dubbed by civil rights activists "Terrible Terrell," the county had been the first targeted by the Justice Department to test the constitutionality of the 1957 Civil Rights Act. Although the Federal government won in the Supreme Court, very little changed in Terrell. They conducted workshops at the Mount Olive Church, and whites countered by burning down the church along with two others. However, what direct physical violence did not achieve in keeping blacks scared, economic threats accomplished. When his white neighbors found out, local merchants refused to weigh his corn or deliver fuel shipments on time. It dug in and gained support from the handful of blacks that remained economically independent from whites. Two of the most important were women: Dolly Raines, who owned considerable property, and Carolyn Daniels, who owned a beauty parlor. Sherrod pointed out the value of these so-called "mamas" in southern rural communities. Silver, Mississippi: the Closed Society (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966), 6-7, 149-56. Tuck, Beyond Atlanta: the Struggle for Racial Equality in Georgia, 1940-1980 (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2001), 165. In 1962, West Feliciana had no registered black voters and East Feliciana had 80, a drop from the 1,276 that existed before the purges swept the parish in 1958. As in Southwest Georgia, the black residents of these parishes, mostly sharecroppers and tenants, depended on white plantation owners for their livelihood. The civil rights workers enlisted the aid of Joseph Carter, a 55-year-old black minister who had not completed elementary school. Francisville, whereupon the registrar denied his application and the sheriff arrested him. At a meeting in October 1963 at the Masonic Hall in Laurel Hill, Carter persuaded a group of 15 ministers to attempt to register. Despite a threat against his life, Carter managed to register, as did five others. Although 21 blacks had registered in West Feliciana, this constituted only 2 percent of enrolled voters. In East Feliciana, 180 blacks were on the voter lists, but this was still far less than the number of voters before the purges. The main bone of contention revolved around the issue of whether whites should play a similar role in this campaign as they had in the 1963 project. Most of those in attendance believed that whites should not serve in any leadership capacity, volunteers should be closely supervised by 172 173 Ibid. Some of the staff also believed that placing whites in a leadership position would reinforce the subservience local blacks felt in the presence of whites. He candidly admitted that while the nation did not respond to black deaths in the state, its leaders would pay heed to the violence that would likely be perpetrated against the hundreds of white college students who encountered violence-including murder. Moses, a reader of Albert Camus and other existentialist philosophers, took personal responsibility very seriously and dreaded the lives that would be lost as a result of his actions. Lynd, the Justice Department had won an injunction that prevented Theron Lynd from engaging in discriminatory voter registration practices.


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  • http://www.rimed.org/rimedicaljournal/2015/12/2015-12-40-cont-afari.pdf
  • https://bcmj.org/sites/default/files/BCMJ_Vol62_No7_complete.pdf