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I gave up most of my supplements and medications and redirected my attention on a compelling argument that kept creeping up on the forum; the idea that insulin resistance caused most hormone imbalances, and that excessive carbohydrate consumption caused insulin resistance. I began exploring the depths of the low-carb world, and eventually came to believe that the overconsumption of carbohydrates was central in most all disease states, including baldness, which was associated with insulin resistance. I interpreted all these signs as positive, and further tinkered with the amounts of fat and carbohydrate in my diet in order to find my optimal ratio. This "evolutionary" approach to eating dovetailed nicely with the current success I was having with carbohydrate restriction. The difference was the exclusion of "Neo12 lithic" foods, such as dairy and grains, in favor of meat, vegetables, and, in some cases, fruit and starchy tubers. Later on, confirmation bias reared its ugly head as I acquiescently read a snippet from a book by the famous Arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson called Not By Bread Alone, in which he described the hair-supporting effects of an all-meat diet. Stefansson had convinced the American Meat Institute to fund a yearlong all-meat diet study supervised by a panel of prestigious doctors. When Stefansson and his partner, Karsten Andersen, embarked on the diet, they were closely monitored while they stayed at Bellevue hospital in New York. Their diets contained modest amounts of fat with smaller portions of lean meat in quantities sufficient to bring about satiety. Stefansson averaged about 2,650 calories a day, consisting of 2,100 calories of fat and 550 of protein; Andersen averaged about 2,620 calories a day, consisting of 2,110 calories of fat and 510 of protein. At the end of the Bellevue study the only surprising element was how anticlimactic the results were. Neither Karsten nor Stefansson developed scurvy, and Karsten reported that his digestive problems had disappeared, his immune system had improved, and that his hair had stopped falling out. I began consuming an all meat and water diet the next day, in what became an experiment that lasted for nearly two years. The All-Meat Years You would think that consuming a diet of meat and water would be all bad, and mostly it was, but I immediately noticed several health improvements. Inflammation of scalp decreased, dandruff disappeared, and my hair just felt resilient. I enjoyed telling people that I ate only meat and water, and enjoyed explaining it even more. Meat was easy to get on tour and, believe it or not, I never got sick of eating ribeyes. Along with Charles Washington, who should probably take credit for advancing the zero-carb movement, I experienced a considerable amount of online traffic from those interested in my experiences eating only meat. While the first year went pretty well, the second year began my rapid decent into degeneration. For instance, she planned a trip to a museum on a Sunday I had off from work and band practice. I remember being so physically exhausted (from being alive) that I could barely walk up the steps to enter the museum. I remember waking up one morning and finding my legs covered in petechiae, which are small red pustules. While aesthetically disgusting, the real bummer was that it affected my ability to walk. I worked at a retail store at the time, and I remember my boss being disturbed at how physically ill I had become. For one reason or another I simply dealt with these symptoms for a matter of weeks before I came to the realization that I was extremely malnourished. The clincher was actually the implosion of my relationship that forced me to view my dietary habits from another angle. To add to the stress of breaking up with my girlfriend, it was about this time that the long-time guitarist of the band decided to bail.

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Gemcitabine nephrotoxicity and haemolytic uremic syndrome: a report of 29 cases from a single institution. Gemcitabine-associated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Systemic and kidney toxicity of intraocular administration of vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors. Drug-induced thrombotic microangiopathy: Experience of the Oklahoma Registry and the Blood Center of Wisconsin. Drug-induced thrombotic microangiopathy: an updated systematic review, 2014 - 2018. A total of 3,842 people were affected by a virulent and uncommon strain of enteroaggregative hemorrhagic E. Stx binds to multiple cells in the kidney and causes a spectrum of renal injury, including vascular endothelial cell damage, thrombotic occlusion of the capillary lumen, glomerular endothelial cell swelling, apoptosis of glomerular and tubular cell, and extensive cortical necrosis in the kidneys. The severity of acute illness, particularly central nervous system impairment and the need for dialysis is strongly associated with a worse long-term prognosis. Mortality is between 1-5% but up to 30% of patients may have long term complications including; hypertension, end stage renal disease requiring renal transplantation, diabetes and neurological symptoms. Supportive care is the mainstay of therapy including fluid management, treatment of hypertension and renal replacement therapy. Stx has been shown in vitro and in vivo to activate the alternative complement pathway. A French group found no difference in patient outcome with the use of eculizumab, however, suggested that as potentially more severely ill patients were treated with eculizumab, and that they still showed a comparable outcome to untreated patients (Percheron, 2018). One group found elevated level of sC5b-p as a predictor for poor outcome, but not as a clear parameter for a treatment decision. Systemic complement activation and complement gene analysis in enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli-associated paediatric haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Management of an acute outbreak of diarrhoea-associated haemolytic uraemic syndrome with early plasma exchange in adults from southern Denmark: an observational study. Outbreak of Escherichia coli O104:H4 haemolytic uraemic syndrome in France: outcome with eculizumab. Treatment of severe neurological deficits with IgG depletion through immunoadsorption in patients with Escherichia coli O 104:H4-associated haemolytic uraemic syndrome: a prospective trial. Validation of treatment strategies for enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O104:H4 induced haemolytic uraemic syndrome: case-control study. Therapeutic plasma exchange in Streptococcus pneumoniae-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome: a case report. Corticosteroids should be used as an adjunct, either a daily prednisone dose at 1 mg/kg/day, pulsed methylprednisone for a few days, or a combination; however, no definitive trials proving their comparative efficacy have been performed. Splenectomy has been used in the past and may be considered for severe refractory cases. Platelets should only be transfused if potential life-threatening bleeding is present. Allergic reactions and citrate reactions are more frequent due to large volumes of plasma required. A previous study demonstrated that that the use of cryoprecipitate depleted plasma as replacement may be associated with more frequent acute exacerbations (Stefanello, 2014). Solvent detergent treated plasma may be used for patients with severe allergic reactions. A small retrospective study suggests a lower overall recurrence rate at 6 months with taper. A common taper strategy is three times a week for the first week, twice weekly the second and then once weekly the following week(s). High-dose plasma infusion versus plasma exchange as early treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura/hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Efficacy and safety of first-line rituximab in severe, acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura with a suboptimal response to plasma exchange. The use of 50% albumin/ plasma replacement fluid in therapeutic plasma exchange for thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.

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The findings from these studies are consistent with descriptive reports from contaminated areas of Ukraine and Belarus, and the quantitative estimate of thyroid cancer risk is generally consistent with estimates from other radiation-exposed populations. Available data on exposure from the Chernobyl accident are largely in agreement with observations from other studies showing that exposure at the youngest ages is associated with the greatest risk of thyroid cancer. At present no data are available from Chernobyl regarding the risk of thyroid cancer from in utero exposure. Iodine deficiency also appears to be an important modifier of the risk of radiation-induced thyroid cancer, and there is some evidence that iodine deficiency enhances the risk of thyroid cancer following radiation exposure. Finally, relatively little has been published regarding thyroid outcomes other than thyroid cancer, although one study has reported an elevated risk of benign thyroid tumors and there have been reports of increases in autoimmune disease and antithyroid antibodies following childhood exposure to Chernobyl. Evidence from epidemiologic studies regarding the risk of leukemia in the general population reflects low-dose-rate exposure (primarily from 137Cs), which has occurred for a number of years and will continue to occur in the future. These resident populations were exposed at all ages, but studies of residents are primarily of persons exposed as children and/or in utero. At present, the available evidence from ecologic studies does not convincingly indicate an increased risk of leukemia among persons exposed in utero to radiation from Chernobyl. There are no data from analytic epidemiologic studies in which individual dose estimates are available. The existing evidence does not support the conclusion that the rates of childhood leukemia have increased as a result of radiation exposure from the Chernobyl accident. However, ecologic studies of the types conducted to date are not particularly sensitive to detecting relatively small changes in the incidence of a disease as uncommon as childhood leukemia over time or by different geographic areas. The single analytical study is insufficient to draw conclusions regarding leukemia risk after exposure of children to Chernobyl. There is also no convincing evidence that the incidence of leukemia has increased in adult residents of the exposed populations that have been studied in Russia and Ukraine. However, few studies of the general adult population have been conducted, and they have employed ecologic designs that are relatively insensitive. There has been relatively little study of the incidence or mortality from solid cancers other than thyroid cancer in populations exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl accident. They reported increases of cancer incidence during the periods, but generally the excesses were relatively small and not statistically significant. No descriptive or analytical epidemiologic studies of breast cancer risk in populations exposed to radiation from Chernobyl have been published in the peer-reviewed literature; however, one monograph has cited elevated breast cancer incidence rates based on Ukrainian registries. Similarly, although no descriptive or analytical epidemiologic studies of bladder or kidney cancer risk in relation to Chernobyl have been published in the peer-reviewed literature, there has been a series of papers investigating aspects of possible radiation carcinogenesis in these organs. Four ecologic studies of populations exposed to natural background radiation have been reported. They provide important quantitative estimates of risk as a function of dose, primarily from 131I. These studies did not find any association between disease rates and indicators of high background levels of radiation, and they do not provide any quantitative estimates of disease risk. Three ecologic studies of children of adults exposed to radiation have been published, with a focus on preconception parental exposure and the risk of leukemia and lymphoma in the offspring of exposed parents. Although there is some evidence of an increased risk associated with measures of individual dose, the findings are based on very small numbers of cases and the results across studies are not consistent. In summary, none of the studies provide quantitative information from dose-response analyses or quantitative estimates of the risk of disease associated with exposure, and results across studies are inconsistent. There have been three cohort studies published regarding the risk of cancer in children of adults exposed to radiation. None of the three provide quantitative estimates of risk based on dose-response analyses, and the results across studies are not consistent. Thus, there is little conclusive evidence from epidemiologic studies of a link between parental preconception exposure to ionizing radiation and childhood leukemia or other cancers. Relatively few epidemiologic studies have been conducted to evaluate these outcomes in relation to preconception radiation exposure, and there is no consistent evidence of an association of any such outcomes with exposure to environmental sources of radiation.

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Please explain how you have implemented this policy (prohibiting extended restrictive housing for prisoners who are pregnant) and what exceptions you have made. Answer only if you answered "We have substantially implemented this policy, with exceptions" to question 84. Please explain how you have implemented this policy (prohibiting extended restrictive housing for inmates with serious mental illness) and what exceptions you have made. Answer only if you answered "We have substantially implemented this policy, with exceptions" to question 86. Please explain how you have implemented this policy (attempting not to release inmates from restrictive housing directly into the community) and what exceptions you have made. Serious Mental Illness-Psychotic, Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorders and any other diagnosed mental disorder (excluding substance use disorders) associated with serious behavioral impairment as evidenced by examples of acute decompensation, self-injurious behaviors, and mental health emergencies that require an individualized treatment plan by a qualified mental health professional. Offenders, regardless of diagnosis, indicating a high level of mental health needs based upon high symptom severity and/or high resource demands, which demonstrate significant impairment in their ability to function within the correctional environment. Anyone who has Significant Functional Impairment (see definition) due to their mental health (including severe Personality Disorders, Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder) defined as: Self-harming behaviors. A diagnosable mental disorder characterized by alternation in thinking, mood, or impaired behavior associated with distress and/or impaired functioning; primarily inclusive of schizophrenia, severe depression, and bipolar disorder, and severe panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Schizophrenia, Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, other Chronic and Recurrent Psychosis, Dementia and other Organic Disorder. For purposes of this definition, "recent significant history" shall be defined as a diagnosis specified above in section (a)(1)-(9) upon discharge within the past year from an inpatient psychiatric hospital. Significant Functional Impairment Factors for consideration when assessing significant functional impairment shall include the following: a. Such acts include but are not limited to the following behaviors: hanging, selfstrangulation, asphyxiation, cutting, self-mutilation, ingestion of a foreign body, insertion of a foreign body, head banging, drug overdose, jumping and biting. The inmate has demonstrated a pervasive pattern of dysfunctional or disruptive social interactions including withdrawal, bizarre or disruptive behavior, etc. Michigan Prisoners with a mental illness have been diagnosed with a substantial disorder of thought or mood that significantly impairs judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize reality or cope with demands of basic living. We consider classifications of what we have called major mental illness including: psychotic schizophrenia, spectrum disorders, bipolar 1 and 2, major depressive disorders, neurocognitive disorders. Mississippi Missouri Chronic mental health treatment or inpatient mental health treatment the department does not define "serious mental illness" in policy. Any mental health condition that current medical science affirms is caused by a biological disorder of the brain and that substantially limits the life activities of the person with the serious mental illness. The Department ensures that inmates are evaluated and a mental health diagnoses history is analyzed. The disorder is defined as a condition that affects an individual at least 18 years of age, and it must be of sufficient duration. The below mentioned numbers represent the total number of inmates in the mental health units for both males and females. It should be noted the Department currently utilizes the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, 5th Edition. The figure below reflects the inmates placed in these specialized mental health units. What we have is a Mental Health Treatment Center where we place inmates who have cognitive, affective, and/or behavioral functioning deficits inhibit them from functioning in general population. This could be long-term or short-term based on the needs of the individual inmate. M3 and above is inclusive of all inmates diagnosed with a mental illness receiving both psychological and psychiatric services. These disorders have episodic, recurrent, or persistent features; however, they vary in terms of severity and disabling effects. Delusional Disorder F22a, Erotomanic type F22b, Grandiose type F22c, Jealous type F22d, Persecutory type F22e, Somatic type F22f, Mixed type F22g, Unspecified type. Clinical Guidelines for Functional Impairment Factors for consideration when assessing significant functional impairment shall include the following: 1. This assessment should include corroborative information obtained from complementary reliable and valid sources, which reflect functioning outside of the prison setting. The qualifying diagnoses recognized by our jurisdiction are as follows: Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Other Specified Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorders, Bipolar Disorder(s), Delusional Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder.

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Countries with more than 400 000 km2 are Australia, Sudan, China, Angola and Botswana. The exception is horizons formed from the accumulation of organic materials derived from submerged aquatic vegetation. In estuarine subaqueous soils, sulphides typically accumulate in low energy environments (sulphidization). This is especially the case in estuarine subaqueous soils where benthic organisms such as clams and worms burrow and mix the upper soil materials. Subaqueous soils are found in shallow areas of lakes, ponds and estuarine systems such as bays and lagoons in any climate. The distribution of the different subaqueous soil types typically follows the submerged landscape which is broken into different units such as submerged beach, bay bottom, washover fan, or flood-tidal delta. The parent materials are marine or lake sediments that have been brought in by streams and rivers emptying into the system or through inlets bringing in tidal water and sediment, or sediments brought in during storm events where over-wash events move materials from the barrier island into the lagoon. These are young soils, similar to floodplains in the subaerial system, and having little profile development. Subaqueous soils provide the structure and habitat for the range of benthic organisms that live in these systems. Submerged aquatic vegetation is rooted in these soils and obtains some nutrients from the soils. Recent studies have shown that subaqueous soils store and sequester equivalent amounts of soil organic carbon as their subaerial counterparts. These soils serve as sinks for heavy metals and under certain conditions are important for water quality, storing N and providing denitrification. Shellfish aquaculture for species such as hard clams and oysters is a common practice on shallow estuarine subaqueous soils. A range of submerged aquatic vegetation can be found rooted in these soils, depending on the location, climate and water quality. Common species in estuarine systems include eelgrass (Zostera marina), turtle grass (Thalassia sp. Mapping land use systems at global and regional scale for land degradation assessment and analysis. Effects of long term soil management on infiltration rates and macroporosity of vertisols. Changes in valued capacities of soils and sediments as indicators of nonlinear and time-delayed environmental effects. Impact of Overgrazing on Semiarid Ecosystem Soil Properties: A Case Study of the Eastern Hovsogol Lake Area, Mongolia. Bare Soil: a land cover class that includes any geographic area dominated by natural abiotic surfaces (bare soil, sand, rocks, etc. Cropland: a land cover class that includes all cultivated herbaceous crops, woody crops and multiple and layered crops (Latham et al. Drylands: tropical and temperate areas with an aridity index (annual rainfall/annual potential evaporation) of less than 0. Grassland: a land cover class that includes any geographic area dominated by natural herbaceous plants (grasslands, prairies, steppes and savannahs) with a cover of 10 percent or more, irrespective of different human and/or animal activities. Mitigation (of land degradation): an intervention intended to reduce ongoing degradation at a stage when degradation has already begun. Parent material: the unconsolidated and more or less chemically weathered mineral or organic matter from which the solum of soils is developed by pedogenic processes (Soil Science Society of America, 2008). It forms a conceptual foundation for the study of soils as geographic entities (Hole and Campbell, 1985). Rehabilitation: action to restore soil already degraded to such an extent that the original use is no longer possible and the land has become practically unproductive. Shrub-covered area: a land cover class that includes any geographical area dominated by natural shrubs having a cover of 10 percent or more (Latham et al. Soil ecosystem functions: description of the significance of soils to humans and the environment.

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Pharmacies can provide information about the frequency of refills dispensed, but medications may also be dispensed directly by providers at outreach sites. If applicable, ensure the patient knows the difference between the controller and reliever-and the appropriate use of each. Inquire where the patient receives their asthma medication and whether they can access it when needed. Inquire about adherence to prior treatment and what the patient does to relieve symptoms if a quick-relief inhaler is not available. Patients may also be rationing their medication, sharing with friends or family members, or lacking it altogether. Comorbid Conditions There are some medical conditions that make asthma management more difficult because of their direct effect on asthma or by mimicking symptoms in patients who have both conditions. Vocal cord dysfunction is commonly present in patients with asthma, but patients can learn to differentiate by locating symptoms in the throat versus the chest. Access to sleep studies can be challenging, but if risk factors are present, treatment with nasal steroid can be initiated. Allergic rhinitis makes asthma more difficult to control; intranasal steroids are often helpful to improve rhinitis and asthma. Diagnosis of asthma is best made using spirometry when symptoms are present to document airways obstruction with reversibility after a bronchodilator is administered. If there is concern that symptoms are entirely from a comorbid condition, referral for spirometry should be made. Inquire about the immunization history, especially Pneumovax and annual influenza immunization. Many people experiencing homelessness live in environments with asthma triggers, such as mold, dust mites, cockroach feces, animal dander, tobacco smoke, and air pollution. If the patient is living in a shelter, ask for a description of the living conditions at the shelter. Many patients may not know their triggers, so this part of the assessment will be a good opportunity for education and to help them learn more about the association with their asthma control. Activities such as sweeping, cleaning, and exposure to cleaning solvents, insecticides, herbicides, and fumes can be triggering. If living at a shelter, inquire about chores the patient does that may trigger or exacerbate symptoms. It may be helpful to ask whether symptoms interfere with "taking care of business. Continuity of care is associated with improved outcomes in patients with chronic medical conditions. Inquire about health care providers the patient has seen and whether he or she is currently receiving care from the shelter or other outreach sites. Federally funded health centers are medical homes that accept patients regardless of ability to pay. In some states, adults experiencing homelessness are eligible for certain benefits if they are U. If possible, have the patient sign a release of information to obtain prior health records. Inquire whether the patient has Medicaid/Medicare; if not, inquire whether he or she would like to receive assistance enrolling in it. Medication Affordability Inquire where the patient obtains medications; explicitly ask if there are multiple sites. Many adults experiencing homelessness are uninsured or have insurance that does not adequately pay for medications. Ask whether the patient has health insurance that adequately covers prescriptions. Federally funded health centers have access to 340B pharmacy pricing to reduce costs. Assess for survival sex activities (prostitution or trading sex for goods or protection), history of being a victim of human sex trafficking, other high-risk behaviors, and trauma. Family Health/Stress Understand that the individual may have experienced significant access barriers to care or have an incomplete understanding of the health condition or treatment needs. Discuss social supports, patient strengths, and small or large successes that may be built upon and encouraged.

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The the mean number of people with epilepsy per 1000 population varies across region. The Limitations the data regarding the number of people with epilepsy were not collected using stringent research methods as for epidemiological studies; such methods are costly and are not easy to carry out. For example, some respondents provided figures based on generic prevalence or findings from one particular area of the country or on the number of people eligible for antiepileptic drugs. Information the regarding the number of people with active epilepsy was not obtained. Information Conclusions the number of people with epilepsy is high in most regions of the world, thus constituting epilepsy as a major public health concern. Studies of the burden of epilepsy should raise the awareness of authorities about the impact of epilepsy on the country. Neuroepidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of neurological diseases in human populations (28). While the clinician is concerned with disease in the individual patient, the epidemiologist is concerned with the occurrence of disease within a community. Epidemiological information benefits health policy-makers, public health officials, medical practitioners and patients, the pharmaceutical industry and other epidemiologists (29). Febrile seizures are a type of acute symptomatic seizure and the commonest seizure disorder in children. Progressive symptomatic seizures are unprovoked seizures owing to progressive central nervous system disorders (34). Diagnosis is clinical and should be confirmed by a professional with expertise in epilepsy. Most epidemiological studies to date have lacked investigatory facilities in the field, especially in developing countries. Accurate diagnosis and case ascertainment remain major problems, because epilepsy is only a symptom of many disparate causative entities. Confident diagnosis or exclusion in all cases of seizures is difficult because seizure types vary, unusual behaviour and blank spells may not be recognized as seizures, there may be no accompanying neurological signs and if an eyewitness account is lacking, the diagnosis may not be made at all. The most frequently occurring non-epileptic events requiring distinction and exclusion are pseudoseizures and syncope (30). There are few incidence studies in developing countries, none of which is prospective: they show rates from 49. In developed countries, incidence among the elderly is rising and among children it is falling. This is relevant to developing countries as longevity rises and risk of cerebrovascular disease increases. Conversely, better obstetric care and infection control can diminish incidence in children. Higher prevalences in sub-Saharan Africa and Central and South America have been reported, possibly due to methodological differences, consanguinity or environmental factors and particularly so in rural areas (35). Prevalence data are primarily used by health planners and for generating aetiological hypotheses. A partial seizure is presumed to start in a part of the brain and may or may not spread. The cause must always be sought, and epilepsies may be classified according to aetiology and type of seizure, as follows: Aetiology: remote symptomatic of known aetiology; cryptogenic probably symptomatic but unknown aetiology; idiopathic presumed genetic. Type Aetiology Population-based prevalence and incidence surveys present percentage frequencies of presumed aetiologies of epilepsy. Acute symptomatic seizures are those occurring in close temporal association with an acute systemic, metabolic, or toxic insult or in association with an acute central nervous system insult (34). Partial and generalized seizures vary with age, partial seizures being more common in the very young and in elderly people.


  • https://med.virginia.edu/pediatrics/wp-content/uploads/sites/237/2015/12/200009.pdf
  • https://www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/research/findings/nhqrdr/2018qdr-final.pdf
  • https://courses.aiu.edu/THEORIES%20of%20PERSONALITY/Sec%207/SEC%207%20THEORIES.pdf
  • https://renaissance.stonybrookmedicine.edu/system/files/Rhabdomyolysis.pdf