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If we do this, no harm can befall us, though much has befallen me through the excessive fears which possessed some people. For instance, it happened so once to me, when many persons in whom I had great confidence, and with good reason, had assembled together,-five or six in number, I think,-and all very great servants of God. It is true, my relations were with one of them only; but by his orders made my state known to the others. They had many conferences together about my necessities; for they had great affection for me, and were afraid I was under a delusion. I, too, was very much afraid whenever I was not occupied in prayer; but when I prayed, and our Lord bestowed His graces upon me, I was instantly reassured. My confessor told me they were all of opinion that I was deceived by Satan; that I must communicate less frequently, and contrive to distract myself in such a way as to be less alone. I was in great fear myself, as I have just said, and my disease of the heart368 contributed thereto, so that very often I did not dare to remain alone in my cell during the day. When I found so many maintain this, and myself unable to believe them, I had at once a most grievous scruple; for it seemed to me that I had very little humility, especially as they all led lives incomparably better than mine: they were also learned men. I had not been to Communion for many days, nor had I been alone, which was all my comfort. Some, I thought, made a mock of me when I spoke to them of my prayer, as if I were a person under delusions of the imagination; others warned my confessor to be on his guard against me; and some said it was clear the whole was an operation of Satan. My confessor, though he agreed with them for the sake of trying me, as I understood afterwards, always comforted me: and he alone did so. He told me that, if I did not offend God, my prayer, even if it was the work of Satan, could do me no harm; that I should be delivered from it. He bade me pray much to God: he himself, and all his penitents, and many others did so earnestly; I, too, with all my might, and as many as I knew to be servants of God, prayed that His Majesty would be pleased to lead me by another way. This lasted, I think, about two years; and this was the subject of my continual prayer to our Lord. But there was no comfort for me when I thought of the possibility that Satan could speak to me so often. Now that I was never alone for prayer, our Lord made me recollected even during conversation: He spoke what He pleased,-I could not avoid it; and, though it distressed me, I was forced to listen. I was by myself, having no one in whom I could find any comfort; unable to pray or read, like a person stunned by heavy trials, and by the dread that the evil one had deluded me; utterly disquieted and wearied, not knowing what would become of me. I have been occasionally-yea, very often-in distress, but never before in distress so great. I was in this state for four or five hours; there was no comfort for me, either from heaven or on earth-only our Lord left me to suffer, afraid of a thousand dangers. Thou showest Thy power when Thou wilt; and Thou dost will it always, if only we will it also. Teresa of Jesus, of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel Saint Teresa of Avila 216 217 O Thou Lord of the world! Oh, that a voice might go forth over all the earth, proclaiming Thy faithfulness to those who love Thee! It seems as if Thou didst subject those who love Thee to a severe trial: but it is in order that they may learn, in the depths of that trial, the depths of Thy love. O my God, oh, that I had understanding and learning, and a new language, in order to magnify Thy works, according to the knowledge of them which my soul possesses! Everything fails me, O my Lord; but if Thou wilt not abandon me, I will never fail Thee. Let all the learned rise up against me,-let the whole creation persecute me,-let the evil spirits torment me,-but do Thou, O Lord, fail me not; for I know by experience now the blessedness of that deliverance which Thou dost effect for those who trust only in Thee. In this distress,-for then I had never had a single vision,-these Thy words alone were enough to remove it, and give me perfect peace: "Be not afraid, my daughter: it is I; and I will not abandon thee. It seems to me that, in the state I was in then, many hours would have been necessary to calm me, and that no one could have done it. Yet I found myself, through these words alone, tranquil and strong, courageous and confident, at rest and enlightened; in a moment, my soul seemed changed, and I felt I could maintain against all the world that my prayer was the work of God. So it is, in truth; for I used frequently to recollect how our Lord, when the tempest arose, commanded the winds to be still over the sea. Who is He, that gives light in such darkness in a moment; who softens a heart that seemed to be made of stone; who gives the waters of sweet tears, where for a long time great dryness seems to have prevailed; who inspires these desires; who bestows this courage

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Changes in the systems is presented in three ways, the first as the change within the system, in this one acts on the effects and not on the causes; the second as a change to the system, modified the processes that are operated, and finally of the systems, that is, by a change in technology that can be accessed, thereby allowing significant advances. Lack of opportunity, is based on the reduction of expenses and the development of strategies to increase profits. Adaptation-transformation, in this type of change seeks the adaptability of people and transformation of the environment. Fluid structures, accelerated changes, although the changes have not been fully understood, the following transformation has been initiated, which is why discontinuous scenarios are more similar to fluids than structures. Continuity-discontinuity, the discontinuity of the changes, changes break with the logical sequences of improvement, disruptive innovations. The second is to promote Participation; when an individual is part of the initiative or when they have made a significant contribution, their participation reduces resistance, earns commitment and increases the quality of decision to change. The third, is to create support and commitment, to manifest a weak commitment to change, resort to the status quo and resist holding on to the current situation. The fourth is the development of positive relationships individuals are more willing to accept changes, when you have a relationship of trust with superiors, likewise, a work environment should promote personal development, this will lead to more positive relationships with respect to the process of change. The fifth tactic is based on Implementing changes with justice, a way in which the organization can reduce the impact of change, resides in how the process of change is executed, that is, the fundamental thing is change and the intention to improve and not to keep privileges. The sixth, is the manipulation and cooptation, initially refers to the attempts to exert a covert influence. Twisting and distorting the facts to make them appear more attractive, hide unwanted information and create rumors for employees to accept the change. While in the second place the manipulation and participation of the organizational leaders is combined, by granting them positions or key roles to obtain the support. The seventh, is to select the individual, the right selection, adopt a positive attitude towards change, be willing to take risks, a flexible behavior, stability to accept and adapt easily to change are related to personality. The change in the systems is a process of adoption and adaptation of technologies, which is regularly given by obsolescence, which allows to lead to processes of adaptation-transformation, in these the skills and knowledge are put to the test, without embargo, if changes are radical adaptation time is increased, which can lead to continuity-discontinuity changes, if they are prolonged irremediably lead to processes of change due to lack of opportunity, if the technological change had taken correctly this would be seen as a process of linear-systemic thinking change. So the classification of Novoa can also be understood as the transition of a process of change badly carried out (executed). For Levinthal (1991) quoted by Rivera (2013) the processes of organizational adaptation and selection are not contradictory perspectives to analyze organizational change, nor simply complementary points of view; these two processes have a very strong relationship of interdependence in which the learning of the organizations contributes to the organizational inertia that is the basis of the selection process. Understand how employees experience change Help identify those who are concerned about the change and understand the nature of their concerns. People are more likely to resist change when they feel insecure about the consequences. Perhaps the most effective individual strategy to overcome resistance to change is to involve employees directly in the planning and implementation of the change. The participating employees will be more committed to implementing the planned changes, and are more likely to generate certainty that they will work correctly than those employees who have not participated (Dorta, 2011). Conclusion this paper describes the aspects related to the change management process in organizations, and how it can be addressed to satisfy the need to respond to the circumstances of the environment, with the requirement to adapt to certain characteristics of change, desirable and superior how to do it in the organization itself. The management of information in organizations is a transcendent issue at present, since the changes in the working groups at the integral level demand the improvement of their operation structures, currently this improvement propitiates the management for a transition of the private sector and public, with the merger or a transformation towards digital work structures. However, there are difficult scenarios to understand and talk about a process of change in the behavior of the groups and identify the characteristics of the organization at the individual and organizational level, where the application and understanding of the operations actions will have to be carried out of change managers in the cluster. Estudio de los procesos de cambios implementados en mi casa entidad de ahorro y prestamo, sede principal(tesis licenciatura). Recuperado el 22 de febrero de 2016, de Conocimiento libre repositorio institucional. Relacion entre el cambio organizacional y la actitud al cambio en los trabajadores de una empresa de Bogota.


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Coincidimos con Stiggins (2007) y Brookhart (2008) al sugerir la necesidad de aprender a evaluar para aprender en lugar de evaluar lo aprendido. Teaching and learning English as a Second Language: Trends in research and practice (pp. His exceptionality as a Caucasian individual in a predominantly African American genre is reflected in the number of records sold and the support from influential figures in the hiphop world. The analysis of these two similarly sized corpora from both rappers who belong to the same age group, city of origin and gender, allowed us to place ethnicity and language at the center of this study. Our results show that their language uses present significant similarities in relevant aspects of rap related to the communicative role of the African griot in the African American tradition, while some important differences were also noted. Considered by many acclaimed African American rappers as a true exception, the reason why he evokes so much controversy stems from the combination of his ethnicity, social origins, usage of cultural and linguistic patterns associated with the African American community, and his own talent. A brief overview of the history of rap reveals a strong connection between this music genre and African Americans (Smitherman, 2000: 275). This ethnic component in rap music has undermined the chances of success for many non-African American rappers, leading them to display or perform features associated with blacks to overcome this burden. In fact, there have been noticeable examples, such as Caucasian rapper Vanilla Ice (Robert Van Winkle), who invented his origins and past in the ghetto (another site of authentification), revealing the need to validate his status and presence in this music genre (Rose, 1994: 11-12). Rampton has shown that crossers present important limitations at appropriating linguistic features, and Caucasian rappers are not an exception when it comes to rap (Cutler, 1999; Alvarez-Mosquera, 2009). Importantly, Rampton also emphasized "effective crossing relied on the biographically contingent social and interactional competence and sensibility of particular individuals" (1995: 193). Eminem, without a doubt, is the first white rapper with true street cred to cross over" (Bozza, 2003: 93). For instance, Sweetland (2002) notes that a Caucasian teenager is described by the African American community where she grew up as basically black. Therefore, it seems that a particular process of socialization can extend the linguistic options over ethnic boundaries, distinguishing Eminem from other Caucasian rappers. In other words, "Eminem is the product of a white background as well as black culture, and he was alienated from both groups when he was growing up" (Bozza, 2003: 172). Therefore, there seem to be enough reasons to lead us to believe that Eminem represents a true exception in the hip-hop world. After considering many rappers, we chose Jay Dilla because he is from the same city, and belongs to the same age group and gender, as Eminem, limiting the influence that these salient social variables could have on the obtained data, and allowing us to place ethnicity at the center of our analysis.

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Consequences, including definite statistics-if the consequences are quantitative in nature, account for this; results of any numerical analysis should be reported. Concentrate on shortening results-limit background information to a verdict or two. Exact spelling, clarity of sentences and phrases, and appropriate reporting of quantities (proper units, important statistics) are just as significant in an abstract as they are anywhere else. Approach: o o o o Introduction: the introduction should "introduce" the manuscript. The reviewer should be presented with sufficient background information to be capable of comprehending and calculating the purpose of your study without having to refer to other works. Give the most important references, but avoid making a comprehensive appraisal of the topic. If the problem is not acknowledged in a logical, reasonable way, the reviewer will give no attention to your results. Speak in common terms about techniques used to explain the problem, if needed, but do not present any particulars about the protocols here. The following approach can create a valuable beginning: o o o o Explain the value (significance) of the study. Remark upon its appropriateness from an abstract point of view as well as pointing out sensible reasons for using it. State your particular theory(-ies) or aim(s), and describe the logic that led you to choose them. As always, give awareness to spelling, simplicity, and correctness of sentences and phrases. Procedures (methods and materials): this part is supposed to be the easiest to carve if you have good skills. A soundly written procedures segment allows a capable scientist to replicate your results. Present methods in sequential order, but linked methodologies can be grouped as a segment. Attempt to give the least amount of information that would permit another capable scientist to replicate your outcome, but be cautious that vital information is integrated. The use of subheadings is suggested and ought to be synchronized with the results section. When a technique is used that has been well-described in another section, mention the specific item describing the way, but draw the basic principle while stating the situation. The purpose is to show all particular resources and broad procedures so that another person may use some or all of the methods in one more study or referee the scientific value of your work. It is not to be a step-by-step report of the whole thing you did, nor is a methods section a set of orders. Materials: Materials may be reported in part of a section or else they may be recognized along with your measures. Methods: o o o o o Report the method and not the particulars of each process that engaged the same methodology. To be succinct, present methods under headings dedicated to specific dealings or groups of measures. Simplify-detail how procedures were completed, not how they were performed on a particular day. As a result, when writing up the methods, most authors use third person passive voice. Use standard style in this and every other part of the paper-avoid familiar lists, and use full sentences. Results: the principle of a results segment is to present and demonstrate your conclusion. Create this part as entirely objective details of the outcome, and save all understanding for the discussion. The page length of this segment is set by the sum and types of data to be reported.

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An important and widespread pest is the papaya web-worm, or fruit cluster worm, Homolapalpia dalera, harbored between the main stem and the fruit and also between the fruits. It eats into the fruit and the stem and makes way for the entrance of anthracnose. Damage can be prevented if spraying is begun at the beginning of fruit set, or at least at the first sign of webs. The tiny papaya whitefly, Trialeuroides variabilis, is a sucking insect and it coats the leaves with honeydew which forms the basis for sooty mold development. Mention is made later on of the aphids that transmit virus diseases and other infections. Other pests requiring control measures in Australia include the red spider, or red spider mite, Tetranychus seximaculatus, which sucks the juice from the leaves. In India and on the island of Maui, plant and fruit infestation by red spider has been a major problem. This pest and the cucumber fly and fruit-spotting bugs feed on the very young fruits and cause them to drop. In Hawaii, the red-and-black-flat mite feeds on the stem and leaves and scars the fruit. In Australia, 5 species of scale insects have been found on papayas, the most serious being oriental scale, Aonidiella orientalis, which occurs on both the fruit and the stem. In Florida, the scale insects Aspidiotus destructor and Coccus hesperidium may infest bagged fruit more than unbagged fruit. Indian scientists have observed that immature earthworms, Megascolex insignis, are attracted by and feed on rotting tissue of papaya plants. They hasten the demise of plants afflicted with stem rot from Pythium aphanidermatum and may act as vectors for this fungus. Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita acrita, and reniforin nematodes, Rotylenchulus reniformis, are detrimental to the growth and productivity of papaya plants and should be combatted by pre-planting soil fumigation if the nematode population is high. Diseases Hawaii, partly because of its distance from other papaya-growing areas, is less afflicted with disease problems than Florida and Puerto Rico, but still has to combat a number of major and minor maladies. Most serious of all is the mosaic virus, on plant and fruit, which is common in Florida, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, and first seen in Hawaii in 1959. It is transmitted mechanically or by the green peach aphid, Myzus Persicae, and other aphids including the green citrus aphid, Aphis spiraecola, in Puerto Rico. Two forms of mosaic virus are reported in Puerto Rico: the long-known "southern coast papaya mosaic virus", the symptoms of which include extreme leaf deformation, and the relatively recent "Isabela mosaic virus" on the northern coast which is similar but without leaf distortion. There is no remedy, but measures to avoid spread include the destruction of affected plants, control of aphids by pesticides, and elimination of all members of the Cucurbitaceae from the vicinity. Papaya ringspot virus, prevalent in Florida, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela, is occasionally serious in the Waianae area on the dry leeward side of Oahu. Mosaic and ringspot viruses are the main limiting factors in papaya production in the Cauca Valley of Colombia. The first signs are irregular mottling of young leaves, then yellowing with transparent areas, leaf distortion, and rings on the fruit. If affected plants are not removed, the condition spreads throughout the plantation. Fruits borne 2 or 3 months after the first symptoms will have a disagreeable, bitter flavor. At the Agricultural Research and Education Center of the University of Florida in Homestead, the late Dr. Robert Conover established a test plot of papayas grown from seed of 95 accessions from a number of countries and 94 collections in Florida in the hope of finding some virus-free strains. Most of the introductions were highly susceptible to papaya ringspot virus; local strains showed some resistance. Highest tolerance was shown by a dioecious, round-fruited, yellow-fleshed strain brought from Colombia by Dr. Bunchy top is a common, controllable mycoplasma disease transmitted by a leafhopper, Empoasca papayae in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Jamaica; by that species and E. Bunchy top can be distinguished from boron deficiency by the fact that the tops of affected plants do not ooze latex when pricked. In the subtropical part of Queensland, but not in the tropical, wet climate of northern Queensland, papaya plants are subject to die-back, a malady of unknown origin, which begins with shortening of the petioles and bunching of inner crown leaves.

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This made inevitable both the repression that occurred of the truth they carried and the extraordinary cacophony that currently constitutes the dis courses of the deaf to which groups give themselves over in one and the same institution, and to which individuals give themselves over in one and the same group. They do not agree among themselves about the meaning of a single one of the terms that they religiously apply to both the communication and direction of their experience. Their discourses nevertheless harbor those sorts of shameful manifestations of the truth that Freud referred to as the return of the repressed. A return to Freud, which provides the material for a teaching worthy of the name, can only be produced by the pathway by which the most hidden truth manifests itself in the revolutions of culture. This pathway is the only training that I can claim to transmit to those who follow me. The Situation of Psychoanalysis and the Training of Psychoanalysts in 1956 For some. To do so assumes that the work provides a continuation of the man, suggesting his survival. I will have to point to [denoncer] the appearances of this in my twofold subject here. Being a psychoanalyst myself and having long been confined to practicing analysis, I have seen that the latter can be elucidated by using the terms with which Freud defined it not as precepts but as concepts that are appropriate to these terms. My title is also, as I know, such as to put off people whom these things might touch, stopping them from reading on any further. Please excuse this malice: What I have become accustomed to discussing with these terms is the true sit uation and valid training. Here [on the other hand] it is the real situation and the training actually provided that I would like to account for to a broader audience. Oh, how universally people would agree if I were to collapse psychoanalysis and training into each other in order to study the situation of the psychoana lyst himself! I will simply touch on his relation to the world for an instant in order to introduce my topic. The Situation of Psychoanalysis and the Training of Psychoanalysts in 1956 s85 We are aware of the question "How can anyone be a psychoanalyst This ambiguous reverence is not as far removed as it may seem from the credence, which is no doubt more serious, that science lends us. For although scientists willingly note the relevance of certain facts that are supposed to con cern us, it is from the outside and with a caveat related to the foreignness of our mental customs that they are willing to allow us. How could we not but be satisfied with this intellectual segregation, which is the fruit of the distance that we ourselves maintain on the basis of the incommunicability of our experience Too bad that such segregation stymies a need for reinforcements, which is all too manifest in that it looks more or less anywhere; one can gauge in our discouraging literature the crumbs with which it contents itself. It will suffice here for me to mention the shudder of ease that went through the ranks of my elders when a disciple of the School,1 having anointed himself with Pavlovism for the occasion, came to give them his licet. The prestige of the conditioned reflex and even of animal neurosis has not ceased since that time to wreak havoc in our reveries. Should some of them come to hear about what are known as the "human sciences," they will take to shouting and zealots on the stage conform to the commandments of intelligent figuration. For if I have ironically defined psychoanalysis as the treat ment one expects from a psychoanalyst, it is nevertheless certainly psycho analysis that determines the quality of the psychoanalyst. As I have said, there is in analysis a real situation that can be indicated if we relate the most common cliche that is produced in it-namely, that no new notion has been introduced in psychoanalysis since Freud-to the fact that one is so utterly obliged to resort to the notion of "frustration" as an expla nation for everything that it has now become trivial. Versagung is thus distinguished from "frustration" by the entire difference between the symbolic and reality eel a difference which I will assume I can take for granted with my readers. This means that these concepts, which are powerfully interrelated, do not correspond to anything that is immedi ately given to our intuition. Now this is precisely what is substituted for them point for point through an approximation which can only be gross, and which is such that one can compare that approximation to what the idea of force or waves means to someone who has no knowledge of physics. It merely indicates, thus, like the general formula for gravitation in a text on the history of science, the foundations of our research. One cannot require psychoanalytic popularization to abstain from all such references.

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Vegetable production supplanted cotton production by the turn of the twentieth century. During the last eighty years, crops such as beans, lettuce, carrots, cabbage, greens, and potatoes were considered major crops; however, through a variety of reasons, competition eroded these markets. Presently, fresh market tomatoes are the major vegetable produced in coastal South Carolina, but the future of this. Potential of Field Cut Flowers the search for new crops to supplement the income from traditional crops has followed many routes. Presently, a few growers in South Carolina produce snapdragons, gladiola, daylilies, and statice. Surveys of local retail and wholesale florists in Columbia, South Carolina have indicated that there is potential for local growers to produce and sell more diverse types of cut flowers. Barberton or Transvaal daisies, or simply Gerbera daisies (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus) are one of the top cut flower crops in Europe and in recent years have been steadily exported to the United States from the Netherlands, France, Italy, Japan, India, Australia, and New Zealand (Tjia 1984). Gerbera daisies are produced also in South America (Colombia), but the majority of these are exported to Europe and Japan (Tjia and Rogers 1982). Gerbera daisies are a high value cut flower crop with retail prices as high as $3. Growers could sell Gerbera cut flowers to a wholesaler for 25 to 40 cents/stem who would, in turn, sell the same stems to a retail florist for 40 to 70 cents/stem. In the Netherlands, Gerbera cut flowers are produced on raised beds in heated greenhouses to protect from severe winter weather. Domestically, Gerbera daisies are produced in Florida in sawtooth or saran houses (Behnke 1984). Shade cloth is needed to reduce temperatures and to enhance stem length (Auman 1980). While some production is in open fields, the majority is produced under some permanent protective structure (B. The coastal area of South Carolina has many aspects about its geography and climate that can be considered favorable to the production of field gerbera cut flower production. The region has ample water, warmth, and productive soils unusually high in phosphate. Gerbera daisies are a popular bedding plant in the home landscape and over-winter without plant loss. They are one of the earliest to flower in spring, are extremely heat tolerant blooming through the intense heat and humidity of the summer months, and will bloom continuously to late November. Geographical benefits include close proximity to the large metropolitan areas of Charleston and Columbia, South Carolina and Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia, and within easy reach of metropolitan areas north or south along the eastern corridor. Recently, local "pick-your own," vegetable farms have diversified their product lines and sell annual cut flowers, such as zinnia, marigold, and cosmos with great success. Customers are drawn to these stands by the splashes of bright colors of cutflowers. The basic fertility and population considerations to produce quality cuts are unknown and awareness of pest problems needs close scrutiny the floral industry has defined the level of quality the grower needs to satisfy. The many different types of gerbera flower forms include singles, doubles, crested doubles, full-crested doubles, and quilled types (Clay 1983). A two-year study evaluated the influence of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) fertility and plant populations on quality cutflower production. Three levels of N (55, 110, and 220 kg/ha) and plant populations of 24,000, 36,000, and 72,000 plants/ha were factorially combined to produce 27 unique cultural systems. In the first year of production, we found that populations of 72,000 plants/ha can be used to produce cut flowers without loss of flower size and quality. Increasing the N rate to 220 kg/ha increased cull production with negligible increases in marketable yields. At least 220 kg K/ha is needed to increase marketable yield, individual flower fresh weight and vase life and to decrease cull flower production.

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Some of those graces which our Lord bestowed on me fell to her lot occasionally, together with instructions most profitable for her soul. So, then, when she knew that the blessed man was come, without saying a word to me, she obtained leave from the Provincial for me to stay eight days in her house, in order that I might the more easily confer with him. In that house, and in one church or another, I had many conversations with him the first time he came here; for, afterwards, I had many communications with him at diverse times. I gave him an account, as briefly as I could, of my life, and of my way of prayer, with the utmost clearness in my power. I have always held to this, to be perfectly frank and exact with those to whom I make known the state of my soul. Thus, then, without equivocation or concealment, I laid before him the state of my soul. That was all I required; for at that time I did not know myself as I do now,so as to give an account of my state. It was at a later time that God enabled me to understand myself, and describe the graces which His Majesty bestows upon me. It was necessary, then, that he who would clearly understand and explain my state should have had experience of it himself. The light he threw on the matter was of the clearest; for as to these visions, at least, which were not imaginary, I could not understand how they could be. And it seemed that I could not understand, too, how those could be which I saw with the eyes of the soul; for, as I said before,447 those visions only seemed to me to be of consequence which were seen with the bodily eyes: and of these I had none. The holy man enlightened me on the whole question, explained it to me, and bade me not to be distressed, but to praise God, and to abide in the full conviction that this was the work of the Spirit of God; for, saving the faith, nothing could be more true, and there was nothing on which I could more firmly rely. He was greatly comforted in me, was most kind and serviceable, and ever afterwards took great care of me, and told me of his own affairs and labours; and when he saw that I had those very desires which in himself were fulfilled already,-for our Lord had given me very strong desires,-and also how great my resolution was, he delighted in conversing with me. To a person whom our Lord has raised to this state, there is no pleasure or comfort equal to that of meeting with another whom our Lord has begun to raise in the same way. At that time, however, it must have been only a beginning with me, as I believe; and God grant I may not have gone back now. Teresa of Jesus, of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel Saint Teresa of Avila 261 262 world was that which I had borne,-namely, the contradiction of good people,448-and that more was in reserve for me: I had need, therefore, of some one-and there was no one in this city-who understood me; but he would speak to my confessor, and to that married nobleman, already spoken of,449 who was one of those who tormented me most, and who, because of his great affection for me, was the cause of all these attacks. He was a holy but timid man, and could not feel safe about me, because he had seen how wicked I was, and that not long before. The holy man did so; he spoke to them both, explained the matter, and gave them reasons why they should reassure themselves, and disturb me no more. My confessor was easily satisfied,-not so the nobleman; for though they were not enough to keep him quiet, yet they kept him in some measure from frightening me so much as he used to do. We made an agreement that I should write to him and tell him how it fared with me, for the future, and that we should pray much for each other. He left me in the greatest consolation and joy, bidding me continue my prayer with confidence, and without any doubt that it was the work of God. If I should have any doubts, for my greater security, I was to make them known to my confessor, and, having done so, be in peace. Nevertheless, I was not able at all to feel that confidence, for our Lord was leading me by the way of fear; and so, when they told me that the devil had power over me, I believed them. Thus, then, not one of them was able to inspire me with confidence on the one hand, or fear on the other, in such a way as to make me believe either of them, otherwise than as our Lord allowed me. Accordingly, though the holy friar consoled and calmed me, I did not rely so much on him as to be altogether without fear, particularly when our Lord forsook me in the afflictions of my soul, of which I will now speak. I suffered at times-and even still, though not so often-the most grievous trials, together with bodily pains and afflictions arising from violent sicknesses; so much so, that I could scarcely control myself. At other times, my bodily sickness was more grievous; and as I had no spiritual pain, I bore it with great joy: but, when both pains came upon me together, my distress was so heavy, that I was reduced to sore straits. I forgot all the mercies our Lord had shown me, and remembered them only as a dream, to my great distress; for my understanding was so dull, that I had a thousand doubts and suspicions whether I had ever understood matters aright, thinking that perhaps all was fancy, and that it was enough for me to have deceived myself, without also deceiving good men. I looked upon myself as so wicked as to have been the cause, by my sins, of all the evils and all the heresies that had sprung up. This is but a false humility, and Satan invented it for the purpose of disquieting me, and trying whether he could thereby drive my soul to despair. I have now had so much experience, that I know this was his work; so he, seeing that I understand him, does not torment me in the same way as much as he used to do. Teresa of Jesus, of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel Saint Teresa of Avila 263 264 restlessness and discomfort with which it begins, and the trouble it causes in the soul while it lasts; from the obscurity and distress, the aridity and indisposition for prayer and for every good work, which it produces.

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Over 90% of production is in Western Canada, and this represents a shift from Eastern Canada where oat cultivation has become less economical as a feedstuff. A further shift has been from the Western to the Eastern Prairies, closer to the major oat market in Minneapolis. The cool growing season on the northern Prairies where oat production is concentrated is a problem, being addressed by continuing plant breeding. Oats are less likely to be traded than other grains because their bulky nature increases transport costs. Oats are about 25% hull, and offer less energy than barley and maize, limiting their use primarily to starting feedlot rations and for feeding horses. Hulless or naked oats, which lose their hull during harvest, have promise as a feed ingredient. Hulless oats have higher protein and fat than conventional oats, as much energy as maize, and a better balance of amino acids, and have good prospects as a new Canadian crop. Another new trend is the industrial use of oats in Canada, with the establishment of a processing plant in Saskatoon that refines oat extracts used in products such as animal coat washes and diabetes screening tests. New cultivars of maize have been instrumental in Canada in lowering susceptibility to early frosts and avoiding harvest problems. With the continual development of Canadian hybrids for cooler and shorter growing seasons, commercial maize production spread beyond southern Ontario, and today maize is widely cultivated in Ontario and Quebec, with limited production in Nova Scotia, Manitoba, and Alberta. Maize is primarily a feed ingredient in Canada, with Central Canada accounting for the bulk of consumption (barley is the major feed grain in Western Canada). Fodder maize, used mainly for silage, requires less heat units and has a wider growing range than grain maize. There is a trend for increasing food and industrial use of maize in Canada (see discussion of ethanol production, below). In 1996, Canada produced 90% of the world supply of canary seed, about 90% in Saskatchewan, the remainder in Manitoba and Alberta. Canary grass is extremely well adapted to the hard red spring wheat of the Prairies, although more sensitive to heat and drought. Canary seed is suited to and mainly produced in the brown soil zone of Western Canada. This is expected to revolutionize the industry, eliminating problems such as itchiness and dust associated with the hairy seed coat of older cultivars. Dehulled canary seed can be processed into flour and bran, and in addition to this food potential for humans there is some potential for cosmetic purposes. Although rye can have a higher feed value than barley, the high soluble fiber content (pentosans) reduce feed value for poultry and swine. There is limited domestic use of rye in Canada for distilling and for food use, compared to the other cereals discussed above. This sorghum relative is used mostly in the pet food and birdseed industries in North America, but may have some potential as a Canadian grain for human consumption. It has been suggested that it could be developed into a special cereal like wild rice (Dore and McNeill 1980), although this would require considerable development. Wild rice is an economically attractive crop in that the supply is limited while market demand is increasing, a premium price can be obtained, and the climate and natural aquatic habitats of portions of Canada provide competitive advantages. Semi-domesticated paddy wild rice is in commercial production in California and Minnesota, and provides competition for Canadian producers. However, a natural advantage for Canada is the availability of extensive shallow lake and river systems, which usually do not require much if any drainage control. For wild rice to expand as a crop in Canada, development of non-shattering, disease-resistant cultivars is needed. Fast-maturing strains would be an added advantage for northern regions so that seeds would mature before frost. Buckwheat has been grown in Canada for many years as a special crop, and is an important cash crop in Manitoba, but production is currently low.


  • https://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/sleep-apnea_research.pdf
  • https://www.menstruationresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/fact_4-2011-menstruation.pdf
  • https://www.toxpath.org/docs/SSNDC/EndocrineNonprolifRat.pdf