我們很自豪地宣佈已成為劍橋國際學校 (University of Cambridge International Examinations) 的官方學校,並同時成為國際劍橋學校網絡之一 (Cambridge International Centre )。這都使我們能夠獲取最新的資訊和培訓的機會。這樣可以為我們的學生提供最好的英式課程,並為他們將來的考試,作出最好的準備。 我們的學生將參加一系列課程,包括國際中學教育普通証書考試 (IGCSE)和 英國高級程度考試 ( GCE A Level )。我們目前正在與其他國際評估小組和考試委員會緊密聯絡,以便進行更多元化的國際計劃及其考試的認證。
We are proud to announce that we are now an Oxford International AQA approved centre. Oxford AQA is the UK's largest academic awarding body and their international qualifications, IGCSE and A-Level, are benchmarked to the UK equivalents and are widely accepted worldwide. The AQA specifications are designed to be relevant for tomorrow’s global citizens and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need for the next stage of their education in Hong Kong or overseas.
我們很高興已成為培生敎育Pearson Edexcel的認可考試中心。這意味著我們的學生可以參加 Edexcel IGCSE和國際高級程度或高級補充程度考試AS / A Level exam,也可以在本校應考。 全球已有超過5,400所學校,學院和僱主都提供Edexcel資格證書,每年吸引170萬名學生應考。作為官方中心,我們的老師將可以獲得培生的最新消息課程發展和培訓的安排,這可使我們的學生獲得不少便利。 另外,本校很榮幸被授予「數碼學校」的殊榮,這項榮譽表彰了我們把學生培養成數碼化公民( digital citizen )方面所作出的努力。這認可了我們學校致力協助學生建立對「今天的幸福和未來的機會」的信念。 本校非常重視數碼公民的培育,我們認為學生、家長和老師都應具備這些知識和技能,與時並進,並成為負責任的數碼公民,學習如何在線保護自己的隱私,以及明智而有效地使用自己的電子設備。
Tai Kwong Hilary College is honored to be awarded as a Common Sense School, an honor that recognizes our efforts in teaching digital citizenship to young people and engaging the entire school community in this important discussion. The recognition acknowledges our school's commitment to helping students build skills that are essential for their well-being today—and for the opportunities they'll have tomorrow.Digital citizenship is greatly valued at TKHC. We believe that the whole community, including students, parents and teachers, should be equipped with knowledge and skills to become a responsible digital citizen, to learn how to protect their own identity and privacy online and to use our devices wisely and effectively.